The Courage to Start Back at One


Every year between summer and fall, there comes a moment where I sense something in the wind prompting me to begin what I am calling my "human hibernation".

It tells me to get my affairs in order,

reinforce my spiritual foundations,

be about my business,

prepare mentally, physically, even emotionally for a lean winter.

Be mindful of the comfort I seek to get through the cold.

But it has not happened yet.

Maybe it is climate change. A long summer.


With our world as it is today, I cannot keep looking to be provoked into preparation by outside influences.

Even the most seasoned of saints have those moments where in the words of Bishop T. D. Jakes, "With every new level, we start back at one."

Nothing can compel us like the Holy Spirit within us.

From Warrior to Wisdom

Joshua son of Nun was filled with the spirit of wisdom because Moses had laid his hands on him. The People of Israel listened obediently to him and did the same as when God had commanded Moses. ~Deuteronomy 34:9, New International Version

We hear a lot of encouragement for Joshua when it comes to becoming the leader of Israel. First God, then Moses continued to compel Joshua to be "strong and courageous" even though as a warrior and Moses' aide, Joshua had well proven himself to be capable of leading armies to victory.

So why would God compel a fearless and powerful fighter to be "strong and courageous"?

Perhaps because it was his time to start back at one.

Joshua son of Nun was filled with the spirit of wisdom because Moses had laid his hands on him. The People of Israel listened obediently to him and did the same as when God had commanded Moses. ~Deuteronomy 34:9, New International Version

His warrior's prowess could lead an army, but not a people. Only wisdom could do that.

Is it your time to start back at one?

Perhaps it is time to embrace what God has instilled in you for the future versus depending on what worked in the past.

Starting Back at One

It takes courage to start again, to make what has brought you success secondary and what God is igniting in you primary. We have to be courageous enough to embrace the change and strong enough to move the needle.

Your season is changing. Time to fight different. The more within you today will possesses the land, not the victories behind you.

Courage provokes progress. Time to start back at one.

Get your affairs in order.

Reinforce your spiritual foundations.

Be about your business.

Prepare mentally, physically, even emotionally for a change of season and be mindful of the comfort you seek to get through the cold.

Be strong and courageous not for who you have been but for who you are becoming.

Let the wisdom of God be your guide as you start back at one.

And remember I love you, but God loves you more.

“Be strong and courageous,...

~Joshua 1:6


Author | Founder | Ministry Coach

We break cycles here. Part of's 2023 "Top 10" for "Best Black Christian Blogs and Websites" and "Spiritual Blogs and Websites"

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