The Man Is The Image And Glory Of God: But The Woman Is The Glory Of The Man? Part 3 - Impacting Righteously

If you have not already read part 1 and part 2 of this mini-series, I recommend you read them first. 1 Corinthians 11: 7 has been used out of context. Some people likely just do not understand what it means, and others may have a more malicious reason for their “interpretation” of it. God knows.

It is evident to me that some men are practically drowning in feelings of inadequacy. It seems they will do or say almost anything to try to save themselves from drowning in insecurity. Coping mechanisms typically include belittling of, and various types of other abuse against women.

“For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of the man.”

In my previous post, I acknowledged that “glory” in the passage in 1 Corinthians 11: 7 is not referring to importance, value, godly character, or godly traits in the man being greater than in the woman.

In fact, we notice a trend throughout history where men generally have behaved more lawlessly than women. The Holy Spirit who indwells the sons of God is the same Holy Spirit who indwells the daughters of God. The Holy Spirit enables a man or woman to live a holy life, and to manifest righteous characteristics.

Romans 3: 23 says that all have fallen short of the glory of God.

The context of “the man is the glory of God” in 1 Corinthians 11: 7 is not the same context of God’s glory that all have fallen short of, described in Romans 3: 23. Context is always key.

Here is something else the Lord brought to my attention to show that mankind- both male and female, are for the glory of God.

Isaiah 43: 6-7 says, I will say to the north, Give up; and to the south, Keep not back : bring my sons from far, and my daughters from the ends of the earth;

Even every one that is called by my name: for I have created him for my glory, I have formed him yea; I have made him.”

This is in alignment with how we learned in Genesis 1: 26-31 and Genesis 5: 1-2. God created man in his image, and used the masculine pronoun “him” to describe them, which clarifies both the male and the female.

In Isaiah 43 verse 7, we see that after describing both His sons and His daughters, the masculine pronoun “him” is used again, in verse 7, to describe them, the sons and daughters of God.

 I understand that people read different versions of the Bible. Only some versions use the plural, them, instead of him in these scriptures. I typically use the King James version, but some people find King James version difficult to understand.

As long as a version of the Bible has not been changed foundationally by men, but is still the unadulterated word of God, it is alright to read a Bible that is more easy to understand. I suggest prayer, discernment, and also comparing a few versions. For example, one might want to see how KJV and NLT compare, when trying to decide what Bible to use.

In Isaiah 43: 6-7, it shows clearly that men and women are for God’s glory; both his sons and daughters are. Not his sons only!

• If “glory” discussed in Isaiah 43: 6-7 and Romans 3: 23 was the same context as it is in 1 Corinthians 11: 7, Paul would again be contradicting the word of God. Paul was not contradicting the word of God. He was using glory to describe the position and authority of men and women in the chain of command.

Apostle Paul was not describing men as having God’s glory that we all fall short of. He was not stating that men only, and not women, were created for God’s glory.

It is very important to discuss these things and bring clarity to them. There are people out there saying things they ought not to say and causing people to stumble. There are people stating things out of context of scripture and causing women to feel devalued and diminished.

In reference to men and women in their roles, it was also said by someone that the man is a “better picture of God” than the woman is, because the man was given dominion. This is laughable. The better picture of God is whatever picture is most holy, regardless of role, title, and gender.

Here is the reality of the matter found in God’s word:

• In Genesis 1: 26-28 we see dominion was given to both male and female.

• After the fall, the woman did not become inferior or lose this status, but was now under sinful leadership, instead of sinless leadership, the way it was before their disobedience.

• Before the fall, a man would have never done his wife wrong. This is because he would have been 100% submitted to God. I believe the woman was perfectly loved, taken care of, and submitted to the man’s loving leadership. She also would have been 100% submitted to God.

• A man having authority over someone does not indicate that he is more like God any more than any ruler, tyrant, or leader is more like God than the people under their rulership. 

• Someone having authority over another does not mean they have more value or righteous character.

I believe that before the fall, Adam was very smitten with, and in love with Eve, and he even followed her into sin. The irony is that after the fall, so many men have contempt for women.

While this is true, so many women fantasize about relationships and having love, perhaps the way pre-fall Adam loved Eve, when in plenty cases, short of a miracle, this kind of love does not even exist anymore between a man and woman!

I have observed that some men seem obsessed with authority and have their own definition and purpose for it. However, God’s purpose and definition of authority remains the authority on the matter! Authority does not mean greater value, greater importance, or superiority.

Authority is not a license for rebellion against God and selfishness.

In their own minds, for some people, authority means something other than what God actually authorizes. They view authority in a way that is pleasing to their carnality.

To sum it up, men are liars. Women are liars. Let us always check God’s word against the words of anyone else. Stick with the word of God and live in truth, peace and freedom!

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