The Real Accomplishment Is Love

In my previous post, I talked about how some people idolize sex. It is much easier to connect physically in sexual acts with someone than it is to actually love someone. To truly love someone takes sacrificial actions.

The two great commandments from God, found in the Bible are based on loving God and loving others; not on having sex.

Yet, in our society and other places around the world, sex has become an idol for many. In addition, so many people use people, rather than loving people. They use people and love money and other things.

Lots of men have been conditioned to believe that their manhood is rooted in having sex with as many women as possible. This is in direct opposition to God’s design for sex.

God’s design is for people to take actions based in love – even when it comes to sex. Sex is for marriage.

God’s design for sex is for one man and one woman who are married. (Genesis 2: 24). They are supposed to love each other, be married and monogamous.

Sex for married couples is very important. But it does not take the sacrificial effort to connect physically as it does to truly love someone. What about love? Love is so noble. Love requires sacrifice, service, and is others-ortiented.

Love gives and doesn’t selfishly take. Even sex between husbands and wives should be rooted in love and desire.

For many, sex is simply a mechanical act; self-gratification for the purposes of bragging and pleasure. There are plenty men who see sex with women as means of pleasurable conquest and bragging rights.

Many women have given up on the idea that men are able to love them and freely have what they believe is “casual” sex with men. For plenty people, sex without commitment is very easily attained.

It doesn’t take love or much effort to have sex with random people. However, sex outside of marriage is not God’s design. STDs are rampant and increasing in prevalence. Depression is high among many people.

Sex cannot bring true all-around satisfaction. We can only be truly satisfied in God.

Yet, plenty are looking in all the wrong places for satisfaction. This is why I encourage women not to idolize men or have sex outside of marriage. Especially, Christian women.

Though the world is broken and quite loveless in many ways, Christian women can be catalysts for positive change. But Christian women must influence properly with Christ- centered values and behaviors.

Christian ladies should not be rewarding and reinforcing sinful behaviors. God requires a man and woman to be married before sex, so women who are followers of Christ should require the same of themselves and their men.

Submitting ourselves to God and rejecting men who don’t submit to God will make a big impact. We can pray for them, but we are not to date or marry men who are unbelievers.

This post is not harsh judgement. It is a reminder that as Christian women, we shouldn’t be going to bed with anyone we aren’t married to. We shouldn’t be going to bed with men who profess to be Christians, but want to fornicate.

How much greater is it for a husband to love his wife as Christ loved the church than it is for him to remain a bachelor and sleep around? How much better for a wife to love her husband properly rather than sleeping around?

Yet, the world glorifies debauchery moreso than love.

Some men seem proud to be lifelong bachelors. This gives them tickets out of responsibility, out of commitment. They get to remain in boyhood and avoid risking heartbreak by exchanging love for unattached sex. Many women do the same.

Women are very influential. Women can be catalysts for positive change with the right influence!

But women who participate in fornication with men, including with lifelong bachelors are contributing to the fact that those men are able to remain perpetual bachelors. This is not the right kind of influence.

On the flip side, if all or majority of women are not willing to have sex with men they aren’t married to, the men will have to choose either to marry or remain single and not have sex- at least not with the women. This is the right way to influence men.

Ladies, women are highly influential either way. The question is how will women influence others?

I respect free will. I also wanted to encourage ladies to remember the power of women’s influence and to choose very wisely and carefully how you influence others- including men. I will do the same.

Helpful Bible verses:

Flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body.

1 Corinthians 6:18 NKJV

Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.

Genesis 2: 24 NKJV

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