The Story of Jesus for Children - Blog - Eternal Perspective Ministries

The Story of Jesus for ChildrenGod has a special love for children. Christ taught that we need to become like children to enter God’s Kingdom, and He made a point of embracing children when His disciples wanted to exclude them (Matthew 19:13-14). He said “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them” (Luke 18:16). 

God desires for children of all cultures and nationalities to come into a relationship with Him through Christ. What a privilege to share this Good News with them! That’s why I’m excited about “The Story of Jesus Through the Eyes of Children” DVD from my friends at the JESUS Film Project. It offers the film in 24 different languages, so it’s great for family, neighbors and friends from different cultures. All the translations are on a single DVD, which is both cool and amazing! (How often can you give the same gift to people who speak 24 different languages?)

The dialogue of the original "JESUS" film was taken from the Gospel of Luke. It’s been translated into more than 1,100 languages and has had more than 6 billion viewings worldwide since 1979, making "JESUS" the most-watched film in history.

I encourage you to prayerfully consider ways you can use this video to share the gospel with children God has brought into your life. Here’s more about the film:

This video uses 40 minutes of the original "JESUS" film and integrates into the drama 22 minutes of new footage with children who might have lived in A.D. 30. The video allows children to hear and see the whole story at once, answering questions in clear and concrete terms, and providing fast action. It ends with an invitation, by a child to children, to accept Christ into their lives.

Children enjoy this captivating retelling of the true story of Jesus from a child's perspective. If you want to reach a child, English speaker or not, with the message of Jesus in a compelling, understandable, and exciting way, "The Story of Jesus for Children" is the tool you've been looking for!

You can watch the entire video online in English:

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