Reflecting on Godly Motherhood (by Cathe Laurie)
This Mother's Day, reflect on the suffering and joy that encompasses godly motherhood. And get encouragement to finish this race well.
This Mother's Day, reflect on the suffering and joy that encompasses godly motherhood. And get encouragement to finish this race well.
Let me introduce you to Mary Ann Bevan, voted the ugliest woman in the world. As you can see, Mary Ann was an attractive young woman. Born in 1874, she studied to become a nurse. She married, had f…
A letter to the doctor who told me to abort my firstborn.
She taught me, from her recliner and wheelchair, how to cook, how to serve, how to love my neighbor as myself. I learned compassion, patience, and true joy of serving through practical experiences …
I pray that by your godly behavior … by your words and by your actions … by the way you treat others … that you will leave a legacy that shouts, “One woman, who clings to Jesus, can make a difference that will leave ripples in the pool of eternity!”
Today is Mother’s Day. As we celebrate the lives and legacies of the women who gave us birth, I want to introduce a woman who gave birth to a son who was destined not to be her son. The story of Ha…
Mother’s Day is a special occasion celebrated worldwide. It is to honor and appreciate mothers and mother figures for their selfless love and care. In the church, Mother’s Day holds a special significance. This provides an opportunity to recognize the invaluable contributions of mothers to the congregation. One way to express gratitude and appreciation for
I have pondered the thought over and over: When my goal of raising my children is to teach them to be capable, independent, God-loving people, why is it so hard when they reach that point?
Take a moment today and thank the mom in your life. Here are a few notable Bible verses that honor mom that will hopefully help you realize just how important she is to you and your family:
This is a tribute to the moms without children – of their own. I’ve posted this a number of times, but it’s a subject I’m sensitive towards.
This is the single week of the year in which we celebrate the calling and the cause of motherhood. We salute all types of moms this week … biological moms, adoptive moms, foster moms, grandmoms and empty nest moms.
This is a personal note to a woman I know who feels she has been a lousy mother. For those times when you feel you blew it with your kids—yelled at them, didn’t listen, accidentally played fa…
When the challenges of motherhood seem overwhelming, will you humble yourself?
A mother’s love for her kid is sometimes called “a mother’s sacrifice” since it is so selfless and unrequited. For a woman, caring for her child always comes first, even if it means sacrificing her comfort or happiness. There are various ways in which mothers sacrifice for their children. That includes giving up paid employment
Can you imagine motherhood without God? If He does not sustain me, I do not think I could enjoy motherhood. Behind the rewarding feeling of giving birth and becoming a mother, we cannot deny that sometimes we want to escape motherhood for at least a day or an hour. When I was in the hospital
If a wife lost her husband, we call them a widow. But, we do not have a word if a mother loses her child. They say it is because no one could define the pain of a mother’s grief for her child. When we celebrate Mother’s Day, we expect kids to give presents to their
Everyone knows words are cheap, so show your mom how much you care this Mother’s Day by giving her something extraordinary. Since the vital day for moms is approaching, we gathered some ideas for Mother’s Day gifts. One of these gifts will impress your mother, grandma, best mom friend, or any mother-like figure. Whether she
Go ahead and buy your mother (or wife) flowers for Mother’s Day. Help the kids make her breakfast. Give her a gushy card. She deserves it. After all, she’s a great mom who loves her chi…
All across the world, people celebrate Mother’s Day as a day to appreciate and honor our moms. We celebrate Mother’s Day to honor their roles in our families and the importance of maternal bonding. It’s a day to honor moms and other maternal figures by celebrating their contributions to their children’s lives. Why are mothers
If people ask you about your dream for your child, every mother would say they want all the best for their child. As mothers, we want to witness our kids fulfill their dreams and have the most remarkable life. But as for Mary, before giving birth to Jesus Christ, she already knew his future. Indeed,