This Video Should Remind Us to Stop Screwing Up Mother's Day — I.N.F.O. For Families

    The moms in our homes selflessly serve us 365 days a year. No paycheck, no bonuses, and very few thanks. They deserve so much more than we give them in return. This is one of the great injustices of our world.

    Mother's Day will be here before you know it. It is (sadly) the one day that we are encouraged to honor our moms. Let's not "mail it in" this year. Let's plan on doing something extravagant to express to our moms and wives just how much we appreciate them. Some suggestions...

    *Plan a night away for her and a friend.

    *Write a (lengthy) list of all the ways she has blessed your life through the years.

    *Create a restaurant theme in your house and have the kids make a big deal about making and serving her dinner.

    *Do a top-to-bottom house cleaning on the Saturday before.

    *Create a coupon book of activities that you know she will enjoy.

    *Carefully handmade cards are always a nice touch.

    Or even better: instead of planning out something for Mother's Day, why don't we simply start telling our wives and moms what a blessing they are to us. We can do that today. And the day after that. They certainly deserve it.

    And to my wife (and even my mom), I say THANK YOU! Nobody but you knows how much you sacrifice, give, serve, and do every day to take care of your families. I know I don't deserve the kind of love you demonstrate on a regular and consistent basis, but you give it anyway. I am soooo guilty of taking you for granted, and for that, I apologize. I wish I could pay you what you are worth, but there's no way I could afford it. Instead, know that you are valued and your ministry in my life is worth far more than rubies.

    Proverbs 31:10 asks, "An excellent wife, who can find?"

    Well I did.


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