
    Five Minute Friday

    Happy New Year!

    So many goals swirling in my brain. So many dreams wanting to take root. I see them. They give me hope that new things are wanting to break through. This new year I want to take time to hone the craft of writing. Five Minute Friday is a great place for me practice and be encouraged by other writers as I write. I will set the timer for five minutes and then write. Here we go! I am excited to invite you in, welcome.

    ‘Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. ‘

    Psalms 90:12

    Time is a gift and yet we live as if we can control it. There are many ways to measure time and we can not make a smidgen more. I have not wisely been numbering my days throughout life. Sometimes I even forget that my days will end and that I don’t get to extend them. Many decisions I’ve made and consequences I have to live with remind of that.
    Recently, I have been counting down the years left with Sam. Last year, he turned 10 and he is fully embracing growing up. I, on the other hand, felt like I was punched in the gut when I realized he was now in the double digits and there was no turning back. I have 8 more years with him at home. I am praying that both he and I gain a heart of wisdom as we lean into the Lord’s teaching of numbering our days.

    What is one way that you can see the Lord teaching you to number your days?

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