To the Woman Who Can’t Attend True Woman ’22

(Photo: Unsplash)

Editor’s note: It’s conference day! This post begins a series of posts by our staff reporting directly from True Woman ’22, so check back here a couple of times every day or keep an eye on our apps and social media feeds for more updates! Whether you’re attending in-person or online—or even if you’re unable to participate at all, we pray that the nuggets of truth found here will turn your eyes toward heaven—and the One who rules over all. 

Maybe if it were up to you, you’d be in Indianapolis right now. If you had it your way . . . 

  • You wouldn’t be reading these words from under a weighted blanket; you’d be physically able to travel to True Woman ’22.
  • You wouldn’t be carting kids to a soccer tournament on Saturday morning; you’d be sitting inside an air-conditioned convention center.
  • You wouldn’t be scrolling through your friends’ selfies as they check into their hotel; you’d be right there beside them.

This may not be the conference experience you wanted. You may be a thousand miles from Indianapolis, but the distance feels even farther. Perhaps you’re planning to watch the livestream tonight, but you’re wondering if anyone realizes you weren’t able to come to the conference. Or maybe registering for the livestream was simply out of reach.

God knows. Before time began, He was aware of exactly where you would be this week.The situation you’re in right now—the one keeping you from stepping foot in the Sagamore Ballroom—is the setting that God has designed for you to seek Him. 

It’s true: your True Woman ’22 experience may not look the way you wanted. Tonight, you may watch with the volume off so you don’t wake a sleeping baby. Tomorrow, you may Cry Out! with a heating pad on your spine. Saturday morning, you may need to stop the session midway through and resume it at a later time. Or maybe this blog and the ROH social media feeds will be your only window to True Woman ’22.

Your unconventional conference experience isn’t Plan B in God’s book. The livestream isn’t a backup option for us. No matter your situation, in this space we’ll attempt to bring you some key insights from each session. You’ve been on our hearts from the beginning! Even as I write this post, the ROH staff is praying for you. Will you pause for a moment and pray with us? 

Lord, You are before all things, and You hold all things together. You reign—in heaven and on earth, in the visible and the invisible. You rule over thrones and dominions and rulers and authorities (Col. 1:16–17). You rule over sickness and schedules, over our families and friends, in good times and in grief. Nothing is outside of Your control. No one is beyond Your care. You are compassionate and kind—the God who sees, and the God who draws near. We are desperate for You to draw nearer still. We ask You to make Yourself known to every woman watching—in person and online. 

Lord, as I open up Your Word and listen to each speaker, will You help me to obey the truth You put on my heart? My desire is for True Woman ’22 to be a watershed moment in my life, one that creates a before and after point that testifies to how You are sovereign over all my days.

Lord, You are in control, and You can be trusted. Will You help me to believe that? I don’t want to despise the circumstances that have kept me from attending the conference—instead, help me to praise You for the ways my needs in this season push me to depend on You. 

Jesus, You are my hope. You are my joy. Thank you for the opportunity to set aside time to worship You and to remember that no matter what I am facing now or will face in the future, You are King. Heaven rules. 

Isn’t it a privilege that we get to be part of what God has planned for these three days? What a gift that He has led you to this place. Although the conference livestream won’t kick off for a few more hours (6 p.m. EDT), can I be the first to say that I am so glad you’re here? 

Welcome to True Woman ’22.

It’s not too late if you’d like to get the full True Woman ’22 experience via the livestream! Register now and get exclusive access to the livestream and the archives through December 31. Join in the victory cry: Heaven rules!


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