Unlimited: Called To Be An Apostle | Good News Unlimited
Unlimited: Called to be an Apostle
Mar 15, 2025 1518

Paul…called to be an apostle… (Romans 1:1b)
After having introduced himself as a servant of Christ, he next then introduces himself as an apostle.
The word “apostle” means a messenger, or one who is sent on a mission. In the New Testament, an apostle is someone who, having been a witness of the resurrection of Jesus, is called by Jesus, being sent to proclaim the Gospel of his death and resurrection.
Paul’s claim to be an apostle annoyed the original disciples whom Jesus had chosen during his ministry on earth, because they believed that only they, who had walked and talked with Jesus in the flesh, and been specially chosen by him, had the right to be called apostles.
Every one of us has been called and sent as a witness of the Gospel.
In claiming to be an apostle, Paul is referring to his life-changing experience on the road to Damascus, when the risen Lord had also appeared to him. Paul understood that he had been called in a dramatically supernatural way, different to the other twelve apostles, and for a different purpose: to be an apostle to the Gentiles.
Most of Paul’s epistles deal with specific problems that existed in the churches that he had founded among the Gentiles. However, in his epistle to the Romans, we can more generally see the message that he took to the Gentile world. You can clearly see the Gospel that he preached.
Spiritual Application
We may not be among the group of the original witnesses of the resurrected Jesus, however every one of us are called to follow in their steps. Every one of us, in our own unique way, has been called and sent as a witness of the Gospel. What is your own personal life-story that you share with others of what Jesus has done for you?