Unlimited: God’s Church Will Smash Down The Gates Of Hell | Good News Unlimited

    Unlimited: God’s Church Will Smash Down The Gates of Hell

    Mar 13, 2025 1558

    Unlimited: God’s Church Will Smash Down The Gates of Hell

    I will build my church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it (Matthew 16:18).

    In ancient times the fiercest fighting was always to gain control of the gates of the city. These were the strongest point of defence, and if an attacking army could destroy the gates, then all was lost for the defenders.

    I used to think that Jesus was talking about a defensive military action here, as if hell were attacking the church. That would be kind of sad news for us, then.

    But when you understand the message of the Bible, sad news gets turned into glad news!

    The image here is of the church – the messengers of the Good News of the kingdom of God – battering down and totally smashing the very gates of hell. I thought it was the church under siege, but it isn’t! It is the other way around.

    Under our victorious Lord, it is us – the church – who are conducting the offensive action. We are attacking hell at its strongest point, and we have the guarantee of our Commander that we will win! The gates of hell will not withstand the proclamation of the gospel.

    The gates of hell will be smashed in the name of Jesus. There will be sin and death no more, because Christ has overcome! There is certain victory for those who believe in Jesus!

    – Eliezer Gonzalez

    Eli’s Reflection: We don’t always feel victorious, do we? What daily habit can you start from today, to help you silence the misguided feelings that try to take away your hope and joy?

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      Eliezer Gonzalez

      My mission is to spread Jesus' message worldwide through simple and powerful gospel content.