Unlimited: The Disciples Went Into All The World | Good News Unlimited

Unlimited: The Disciples Went Into All The World

Sep 23, 2024 1317

The Disciples Went Into All The World

Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it (Mark 16:20, NIV).

Mark tells us that Jesus was taken up into heaven, and that he sat at the right hand of God.

We now come to the very final statement in the Gospel of Mark. It is the natural and logical result of what he just told us.

What Mark says is what the disciples literally did. Their experience of the risen Lord transformed them from being spineless cowards to courageous witnesses for him.

Into All The World

Over the next few decades, they split up to go into all the world, they travelled to the ends of the earth to share the story of Jesus: of what they had seen with their own eyes and heard with their ears.

And every one of them was willing to die for their belief in Jesus, and for the truth of the story that Mark has just told in his Gospel.

In fact, Mark is credited with going into Africa as the first evangelist. Tradition tells us that Mark was martyred by having a rope tied around his neck and being dragged through the streets of Alexandria in Egypt until he died.

The Bible tells us that when we obey the Lord and go and share the Gospel, it is then that the Lord will work with us and confirm it with signs.

The equation is simple, if you want to really see the work of God in your life, you have to choose to obey him, and in particular, personally take up the Gospel Commission in your sphere of influence. You’re called to go into all the world.

– Eliezer Gonzalez

Eli’s Reflection: Like Mark and the other followers of Jesus, God commands us to go into all the world and tell the story of Jesus. You’ve heard the story. Now, what are you going to do about it? What are your next steps?

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Eliezer Gonzalez

My mission is to spread Jesus' message worldwide through simple and powerful gospel content.

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