Unlimited: The Disciples Went Into All The World | Good News Unlimited
Jesus said, “Go into All the World!” - and The Disciples Went Into All The World!
Jesus said, “Go into All the World!” - and The Disciples Went Into All The World!
Unforgiveness is a sin. By Babatope Babalobi babalobi@yahoo.com +234 80 35 897435 Save the World Christian Ministry App Click here to join our WhatsApp Prayer Group Mark 11 vs 26 But if y…
Sins are evil thoughts from the heart. By Babatope Babalobi babalobi@yahoo.com +234 80 35 897435 Save the World Christian Ministry App Click here to join our WhatsApp Prayer Group Mark 7 v…
Unlimited: Jesus Rebukes the Eleven Sep 17, 2024 1280 Later Jesus appeared to the Eleven as they were eating; he rebuked them for their lack of faith and their stubborn refusal to believe those who had seen him after he had risen (Mark 16:14, NIV).Mark continues to recount the list of the initial eyewitnesses to the resurrection of Christ.Finally, he appeared to the eleven. The disciples haven’t believed the report of the other two followers of Jesus who had met him on the road to Emmaus.This is why the Lord’s first words when he personally appears to them in the upper room are to rebuke them for their lack of faith, and for their stubborn refusal to believe.What does Rebuke means in this story?The words which Mark uses here are very strong. It literally means that Jesus “threw it into their teeth.” The work translated here as “stubborn refusal” literally means “hardness of heart.”When his own disciples don’t believe the Good News, after all the evidence, it’s serious business for Jesus!The Lord rebuked his disciples for stubbornly refusing to believe those who had brought them the Good News.It’s so important! – Eliezer GonzalezEli’s Reflection: The Lord will send his messengers into your life, again and again, bringing you the Good News of Calvary and the resurrection.
The first to see Jesus are usually the greatest sinners. To see Jesus, we must confess our sin!
Who would roll the stone away? It’s almost as if the women only thought of this on the way to the tomb. Would the Women Roll the Stone Away?
The Eye-Witnesses to the Burial. The greatest historical claim of Christianity is that Jesus Christ rose from the dead.This was an absurd claim to make. When Mark wrote this, these weren’t just eyewitnesses in history, but real people, who were still alive, and who could be cross-examined.
The Centurion’s Testimony. And when the centurion, who stood there in front of Jesus, saw how he died, he said, “Surely this man was the Son of God” We need to understand who centurions were in the Roman army. They were expected to lead from the front and inspire their men with courage. They were also expected to keep their soldiers in line, and they were renowned for their brutality. They were the toughest of the tough.
No More Barrier between God & Mankind. The tearing of the curtain has deep meaning in terms of what is says about the accomplishment of Christ at Calvary for our salvation.
With a loud cry, Jesus breathed his last breath. While people mock & ridicule him, He accomplised the salvation of the world. Jesus didn’t die of asphyxiation or infection or exhaustion. He died of a heart literally broken for the sin of the world.
Darkness Covered the Land. While people have tried to explain this darkness as an eclipse or as other forms of natural phenomenon, this was no natural darkness. This was nature itself hiding in the shame of what created creatures had done to the Creator.
Have you insulted Jesus? Be forgiven! Jesus was crucified together with two criminals. Mark tells us that both of the men crucified with Christ insulted and mocked him; not just one of them.
They say seeing is believing. Why do you believe? Those at the Cross threw Jesus’ claims back in his face as he died in agony! How painful that must have been for Jesus! “Unless you people see signs and wonders,” Jesus told him, “you will never believe.”
When Mark says, “And they crucified him”, he is referring to the gruesome death without any graphic details. At the Cross, Christ gave his robe of righteousness to all who would appreciate it and accept it. But the soldiers played while Jesus died.
What do Christians mean by faith?In the simplest sense, faith is trust or allegiance to a person. That definition is too flat for my taste, so I think it is better to explore the concept with a more specific and common question. If the Lord is good, why do bad things happen? You see, it is easier to demonstrate trust when nothing is at stake. Declaring Christian faith - “I believe that Jesus is Lord” - costs you nothing when you feel like your life is in control. Calm winds make for certain fa
What do Christians mean by hope?I suspect the cynics among us confuse hope with naivete. They might see it as a point of view about reality—a glass half full instead of half empty. The hopeful few are in denial, and that kind of self-delusion cannot possibly be a virtue. If I weren’t a Christian, I’d probably agree, but if Jesus is Lord, then hope takes on a new meaning.Failed by the PowerfulIn Mark 5, Jesus encounters a man named Jairus. He was “one of the rulers of the synagogue,” a man of pow
What do Christians mean by the word gospel?I’d like to let the Gospel of Mark answer this question, but to make sense of what he has to say, I need to offer a couple of preliminary tangents.Ancient Religion and DemonsFirst, a tangent on ancient religion and demons. We tend to think of ancient religion as silly superstition and consequently, we view the Bible’s talk of demons as part of that pathetic ignorance. At best, we think of demon stories as personifications of disease. At worst, we thin
The Gospel-writer Mark wants us to know that Jesus has absolute power and authority over everything. While the crowds are pressing around Jesus, he is confronted by impure spirits. Once again, as noted earlier in Mark, the evil spirits proclaim Jesus’ identity. But Jesus commands them not to reveal his identity. His time has not yet come. Notice how the evil spirits obey the voice of Jesus. More than that, Mark emphasises that as soon as the evil spirits saw Jesus, they fell down before him.
May the following 20 New Testament verses not only inspire you in your daily walk but also provide fuel for your faith each and every day. May God be glorified through the outpouring of His Spirit.
When studying, what does the Bible say about gossip, we learn that the tongue has the power to give life or give pain. Gossip is hurtful and interferes with spiritual growth and thriving relationships.