Unwanted — Broken & Hopeful

I have talked to several people whose parents, from the day they were born, conveyed the message they were unwanted. Some parents had wanted a girl and didn’t know what to do with a boy. Some got pregnant by “accident” and felt immediate resentment toward their little one. The feeling of being unwanted stuck around and these children have been constantly looking for someone to tell them they are wanted since then. But people are terrible at consistency. 

You can begin to feel unwanted at every turn because you’ve created that feeling in your head to match the overt messages you’ve already received. No matter what comes in a relationship, you might have so convinced yourself of your negative identity you will take it all in as another communication of being unwanted. When you are searching for someone to want you, you will do it anyway you can. Sex, money, power—whatever it takes for someone to want you. Of course, you can’t ever know if they really want you for you, or for the trappings you wear or what you give them. 

Jesus, though, wants you desperately. He wants you so much He was willing to die to have relationship with you. He doesn’t reject you because he’s disappointed or resentful. Instead, He died for you while you hated Him—in other words, unrequited love in its purest form. He is the one who pursues you again and again and again, not growing weary of reminding you of the truth of how much He likes having you close.

He is the one who pursues to show just how wanted you are, and He will keep pursuing you to remind you of this truth. 

Who you aren’t: Unwanted

Who you are: Wanted desperately

Who God is: The One who desires relationship with you enough to die for it

But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8

Do you identify with feeling unwanted sometimes? In what ways has God shown His incredible desire for you today?

 Interested in reading the rest of the book? You can order Identity: Truth vs. Lie; Short Simple Reminders of Who You Are in Christ here on the website or on Amazon in paperback or ebook form here.


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