What Are You Afraid Of?

How do you react to fear of the unknown when it comes to stepping out in faith or living boldly? I remember the first time I spoke with a microphone in front of a crowd. I was terrified! My topic was Unshakable Confidence in Christ, but my knees were knocking!

Everyone has his or her own unique way of talking themselves out of taking steps of faith.

Some respond to fear by retreating to the safety of cul-de-sac Christianity, which is actually one of the most dangerous places of all. Dale Carnegie once said, “Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.”

You will not become be more courageous and learn to live boldly by avoiding your fears. Courage based on the faithfulness and love of God is strengthened with every step of faith, no matter how small.

  • Write the letter.
  • Start the conversation.
  • Sign up to volunteer.
  • Create the blog.
  • Make the donation.
  • Mend a relationship.
  • Start a small group.

Each step of obedience creates momentum that breaks through the stronghold of fear.

The woman who lives life to the fullest is generally the one who is willing to do and to dare. Allow God to infuse you with an enthusiasm and gusto that gives fear the boot right out the door, with you following close behind.

And don’t say “I’m too old!” Moses was 80 years-old when he led the Israelites out of Egypt! I always say, “If you’re not dead, then God’s not done.”

As you consider what might happen if you step out in faith, you must also consider what will happen if you play if safe and don’t. When we live bold, we experience God’s blessings. When we don’t, we won’t.

The fact is, we all experience fear at one time or another. We fear things we can’t control, and fear things we can. We fear terrorist attacks and breast cancer. We fear losing a child and the death of a spouse. We fear financial loss and relational ruin. We fear being alone and being lonely.

Some researchers say there are more than 366 verses in the Bible that encourage us to not be afraid. I’m not sure if that number is correct, but I do know it is a continuous thread weaving a tapestry of truth throughout the Scriptures. Why is that? God knew we would struggle with it!

“Have I not commanded you be strong and courageous,” God encouraged Joshua. “Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged. For I the Lord am with you wherever you may go” (Joshua 1:9).

Your fear is fueled by your focus. Your faith is fueled by your focus. What are you focusing on today? What thoughts are fueling your tank?

I don’t want to die with gas still in the tank. I want to live bold—for God to use me until I’m all used up. But in order to do that, I must put the fear of failure, of embarrassment, of humiliation, or intimidation aside and take a step of faith.

Dear Lord, sometimes I am afraid to move forward in what I know You are calling me to do. Give me the courage and the confidence to allow faith to fuel my focus. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

A Little Something Extra
David wrote, “When I am afraid, I will trust in you.” (Psalm 56:3). Notice David did not ignore his fear. Rather he spoke to his fear, and the truth of God’s faithfulness shooed it away.

We can follow David’s example and profess with him:
“When I am afraid of ________________, I will trust in God. What would you put in that blank? Click on comment and share your answers.

If you’ve never clicked on comment, give it a try. I LOVE how the women encourage and pray for one another! Join the conversation and be blessed. You’re not alone.

Digging Deeper

Are you ready to live the mountain-moving, giant-slaying life of faith? If so, Take Hold of the Faith You Long For is just for you. Join me in learning how to let go of everything that holds you hostage to a “less than” faith, move forward with God-confidence, and live bold in the power of the Holy Spirit! And if you’re looking for a new study for your women’s group or individual study, Take Hold of the Faith You Long For includes a Bible Study guide in the back.

Did you know I’ve got a new Prayer Card for husbands? Click here to see Praying for Your Wife from Head to Toe. 

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