What do I hear God saying?

Are you carrying the heart of God? Are you hearing the voice of the LORD for this season? Are you discerning what is happening in the Spirit? Do you see His hand in this worldwide shaking? Are you standing in the gap for the injustices? Are you asking him for his heart to penetrate nations, cities, neighborhoods, families, your heart? Do you believe in His Sovereignty? Among the things I hear Him saying is, “Disconnect.” Disconnect from the scrolling. Disconnect from the emotional stewing. Disconnect from the fluff. That we are to align with his heart, and seek first the Kingdom, to return to the greatest commandment… loving God above all else with our everything.

Here is a scripture He has put on my heart- Why do the nations conspire
and the peoples plot in vain?
2 The kings of the earth rise up
and the rulers band together
against the Lord and against his anointed, saying,
3 “Let us break their chains
and throw off their shackles.”
4 The One enthroned in heaven laughs;
the Lord scoffs at them.
5 He rebukes them in his anger
and terrifies them in his wrath, saying,
6 “I have installed my king
on Zion, my holy mountain.”

I sense emphasis on “The One enthroned in heaven laughs”. Do you believe God is a God of “suddenlies”? Can you hear the sound of the Spirit rising up reformers for the kingdom? Not for the world; but for the kingdom? Can you hear the sound of a birthing, a new move of his Spirit? Do you sense you are being called higher, to ascend and rise up in the power of the Spirit, to a higher a level of faith? Are you awake or asleep? Are you anticipating a GREAT AWAKENING? Are you hot, cold, or lukewarm water? Are you feeling love or hate? Are you blessing or cursing?

I believe God’s glory is coming. The divine justice of God is coming to silence the wickedness of the world. HIS WORD. HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS. HIS GOSPEL. HIS LOVE. HIS PRESENCE. HIS POWER. HIS GLORY IS COMING.

Did you know the Greek word for “glory” in the New Testament means opinion, judgment, view? If someone asked you what it meant would you have included those words?

Whereas in the Old Testament, the glory of the LORD is defined in Hebrew as weightiness, a heaviness of honor, abundance, splendor, dignity, reputation, reverence.

Going back to glory in Greek, it also means majesty, excellence, pre-eminence.

So there is a opinion of man; and then there is the opinion of God. There is a judgment of man; and then there is a judgment of God. There are views of men; and then there are the views of God. God is not seeking the glory of man. He is seeking the glory of the Son of Man, our great High priest, the KING OF Kings, LORD of Lords, HOLY SPIRIT.

His glory is his reputation, His splendor, His WORD, His opinion, His views, the weightiness of His presence. Are you crying out for that release of glory? Because the One is Heaven is laughing right now with anticipation… to release Himself in a fresh move of His Spirit that reveals His glory.

He will exalt the humble. He always resists the proud. He is coming as a demonstration through those really seeking. For those mourning. Are you being moved to tears, mourning over the darkness? He is with those blessing and not cursing. For those loving. For those tuned to his heart. For those who have attempted to walk in the Spirit for SO LONG within the Body of Christ only to be silenced and rebuked.

God has a government to establish in his church. His Name will be exalted among the nations. Chains of injustice that have held you back from your destiny are being broken. The healing power of God is coming. Do you hear the sounds of revival?

Wake up from your slumber. The time is near.

Let go of unforgiveness. Let go of bitterness. Clear accounts so that your heart is positioned, cleansed as a holy vessel through whom His Spirit will pour out and loose chains that bind.

Cry out for the sins of this nation. For the worldiness, selfish ambition, and pride within the church.

Position to hear the heart of God. Quiet yourself in His presence. Draw close to receive, to pray, to proclaim. Cry out for divine counsel and the GLORY OF GOD.

“Bride of Christ, stand in the gap. Now is the time of favor. I will brood over them with my Spirit”, says the Lord God Almighty (2 Corinthians 4:6, Genesis 1:2).

For the ones earnestly seeking- “I see you. Keep calling for more. Faint not. Witness. Be bold. Front runner. Don’t fear. Love your neighbor. Loose the chains that bind. I AM COMING.”

I pray you sit with this message, pray through it. Let it stir you and move you to desire and long for the justice of God, the Glory of God, the Spirit of God in our time. He is FAITHFUL. Do not be weary in your fight of faith.. He is with you “jar of clay”, to fill you with His all surpassing power, 2 Corinthians 4:7.
2 Corinthians 4:6-7 For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.

But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and NOT FROM US.

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