What happens when you trust God with all your heart? - Raising Zion

Do you trust God with all your heart? Can you ever imagine trusting any man with all your heart? You have only one heart. So, it’s a clear choice.

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. (Proverbs 3:5,6)

Can I survive if I do not trust man?

We are fragile human beings, emotionally weak. The crippling effect of sin caused a deadly damage to our emotions too. Sin destroyed our ability to believe good. Who is good? Only God is good. Sin corrupted us to believe lies, fake news, gossip, etc. easily. Think how fake “forwards” have caused much chaos in the world today.

When a loved one passes away, many are often lost for years. Rather than be happy for them who went to be in the Lord, many stay buried in deep sadness and in a state of loss. Trusting in God fuels our faith.

God desires we love all, but trust Him alone.

God directs our hearts to trust when necessary (Psalms 37:23).

Those who trust God never fear evil news

He shall not be afraid of evil tidings: his heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord. (Psalms 112:7)

When Daniel heard he was going to be cut into pieces, he did not fear. Instead he went to the king asked for some time so he could ask God to reveal the king’s dream. His trust in God enabled him to receive the interpretation and reveal the dream too, saving many lives.

I thought I’d share more examples, then realised this word is good enough for today’s post considering the times we are in. All we hear is bad news. Evil news.

God gifted us the good news in Jesus Christ by grace. Now is the time for the world to turn to Jesus. To hear the good news of the gospel. To hear about the Saviour who still saves all those who seek Him. His precious blood gives us victory over sin, sickness, fear and death!

What a loving Father, what amazing love! Dear reader, Jesus is real. He is alive and desires your heart. All those who seek Him will find Him. Call out to Him, He will hear you. It’s a love you’ve never experienced ever.

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