What I am into (Feb 2013 edition) and Progress on New Year’s Goals | Dreaming Beneath the Spires


Retreats. I spent 4 days in Wales at Fflad-y-Brenin in Pembrokeshire, Wales. It is a very creative place, known for the dreams, visions and ideas people receive while staying there (according to the founder, Roy Godwin). Though I had set the time aside to seek God, ideas kept coming, and I wrote several blog posts, which I will be posting slowly. So it turned out to be a writing retreat, rather than a seeking God retreat. Sigh!

God is everywhere all the time of course, but sometimes, one needs to make a hard stop; turn off other distractions and seek him in a concentrated, concerted way to hear him. I oddly hear God far better and receive more direction for my life on holidays and retreats than when at home. Is it the lack of possessions and clutter, or just the break from familiar routines? I don’t know.

And Wales—well, it was cold, wet and beautiful!!4-DSCN6174

Ffald-y-Brenin, the Farmhouse, the Hermitage, the Beehive Chapel, and the main residential building (left to right)


Walking. Taking a WalkFit Course with Joanna Hall in Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens. Though, well, I should have learnt to walk as a toddler, I am conscious that I walk very slowly compared to “normal” people. Joanna’s technique is adding speed—oh, and endorphins and pleasure to my walks. Long strides, leave on the toes, arrive on the heel, stand tall, head straight, draw up your thighs and pelvis, suck in your abs. Complex, but you incorporate these things slowly. My posture is improving, and I am walking faster and more. Joanna has us walk up a hill counting steps. And then again, and again, shaving 5% off our steps each time.

And I am finally walking the recommended 10,000 steps a day. And it is a lot.

Exploring. Loved being a tourist in London after my course. We spent a magical, fascinating afternoon poking around Westminster Abbey, amid those mass of monuments, especially enjoying Poet’s Corner. I adored the mosaics at St Paul’s!

A few of the memorials in Poets Corner

A few of the memorials in Poets Corner



Brass floor inlay, Westminster Abbey (St. George)

Brass floor inlay, Westminster Abbey (St. George)

The Cloister, Westminster Abbey

The Cloister, Westminster Abbey

South Towers of Westminster Abbey from the cloister

South Towers of Westminster Abbey from the cloister

Houses of Parliament from the Cloister, Westminster Abbey .

Houses of Parliament from the Cloister, Westminster Abbey .

Now some images from St. Paul’s

 St. Paul's Cathedral

St. Paul’s Cathedral

Ceiling Mosiac in St. Paul's Cathedral

Ceiling Mosiac in St. Paul’s Cathedral

Decoration, St. Paul's Cathedral

Decoration, St. Paul’s Cathedral

Decoration on a column, St. Paul's Cathedral

Decoration on a column, St. Paul’s Cathedral

Chapel dedicated to American Fallen Servicemen from World War II

Chapel dedicated to American Fallen Servicemen from World War II

William Holman Hunt's grave.  One of the many in the crypt of St. Paul's.  The largest is Lord Nelson's.

William Holman Hunt’s grave. One of the many in the crypt of St. Paul’s. The largest is Lord Nelson’s.

Theatre—Enjoyed Mr. Darwin’s Tree, a one-act play, a memoir of Darwin.  And The Winter’s Tale at Stratford-on-Avon

Reading—Enjoyed Hamlet’s Dresser, a memoir of salvation from sadness through immersion in Shakespeare. Enjoying Saul Bellow’s rumbunctious Adventures of Augie March. 

Progress on New Year’s Goals  

Week of
Goal Km
Actually done Km



Ice 13.6

snow 16.4




Weight (lb)
Cum. Loss

Jan 1st

Jan 13th

Jan 20th

Jan 27th



 226.8 goal

 Domestic Order 



Feb 28, AFTER

Feb 28, AFTER

A project for next week–lots of shelf space for excess books around the house!


Linking up with What I’m Into at HopefulLeigh.

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