What is the vision of your business? - Christian Personal Development


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What is the vision of your business? Are you creating a business plan? This Bible Short Report will share the principles of the Compass Business Plan.

This book is short but contains very important strategies that can help you drive business growth. I want you to share your comment after reading this book.

The Compass Business Vision Plan (what is the vision of your business?)

  How to plan and set goals in your business and achieve them

Sesan Oguntade

Copyright 2019 Sesan Oguntade

 Published by Sesan Oguntade at Smashwords

Copyright 2019 Sesan Oguntade 

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All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the New King James Version of the Bible (NKJV). Scripture quotations marked (TLB) , (MSG)  and (AMP) are taken from The Living Bible, Message Bible and the Amplified Bible translations respectively.

Discover other titles under the Faith Based Business Book series at https://sesanoguntade.com/start-a-faith-based-business 

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Your Commitment Page

“When He had stopped speaking, He said to Simon, ‘Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.’ But Simon answered and said to Him, ‘Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless at your word I will let down the net.’ (Luke 5:4 – 5).

In view of the fact that this is an action guide, I want you to carry out a simple practice before you go fully into this book. I am sure you know that only committed people can make miracles that will “draw up large numbers of fish that will tear the net” as you read from the Bible text above. 

Peter and Andrew made a statement of commitment and actually did what they were expected to do. The result was the fish project they executed successfully.  You will be making a statement of commitment that will help your devotion to this study and your determination to put into practice whatever you will learn from this guide.

If you are ready to go, please say the following declaration aloud to yourself three times and them write your full names and your signature in the spaces provided below. If you are reading an ebook version, you can write out this declaration in a neat note book, sign it and keep it in a safe place. This is the statement of commitment below:

“By the grace of the living God, I am ready to open up my heart to study diligently God’s principles that are discussed in this book. I’m also ready to put to use these principles in order to start businesses and multiply its resources and also use it to bring glory to God almighty and also add profits to me and the society.”

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Chapter 1: Introduction to what is the vision of your business?

The tool I am sharing with you in this edition of the Faith Based Business Book series will greatly help you as it has helped me over the years. I was inspired with this tool at a stage in our organization when many obstacles were trying to take life out of our organization.

The discovery of this tool and the inspiration it has always given me have gone a long way to help our organization.  Anytime in the life of our organization that I look at this tool, fresh surge of strength run through my blood and I always want to go on and on no matter the obstacles standing against our organization at that point.

As usual, a simple biblical truth sparked off the revelation about this useful tool. I have always produced the books and other information products in this book series based on a revelation or a principle from God’s Word with the super help from the Spirit of God.

This is a short book but the information in it will go a long way to make you achieve more in your life, in your business and even in your work place if you are an employee.  Please ensure you put all attention on every line of statement as you read through this book.

Thank you for purchasing this book and if you have not heard about the Faith Based Business Book series before, I have a brief information about it at the end of this short book. You will also be given a link to the page where you can get full information about it and also get to see the other titles in this series.

Sesan Oguntade



Chapter 2: What Is the Compass Business Vision Plan?

God’s Spirit inspired this business tool from the interesting conversation God had with Abraham in Genesis 13:14-17.  Let me show you what God said to Abraham in this Bible passage: “Lift your eyes now and look from the place where you are—northward, southward, eastward, and westward; for all the land which you see I give to you.”

God asked him to lift up his eyes and see possibilities and business growth from the northern, southern, eastern and western directions. He told him whatever he has decided to see will be possible for him. 

This statement from God to Abraham helped me to put together what I call the Compass Business Vision plan.  It is also useful to you too. You should be setting and reviewing the compass business vision plan for your business every three years or less. You can set one today no matter the situation and condition of your business. Remember that Abraham was asked to look from where he was

You should note that when you have a plan and a focus for more in your business, you will always get more results. Likewise, when you have a plan and a focus for less, you will always achieve less in your business. The compass business vision plan will help you to have a plan and a focus for more in your business.  

It is a Digram

The Compass business vision plan is a diagrammatic representation in the 4 -cardinal point directions of what you can see to achieve in your business in a specific number of years or periods. 

Chapter 3: Analysis of the Compass Business Vision Plan

Let us look at the simple analysis of this great business growth tool.

Lift Your Eyes: God told Abraham to look above and beyond his present situation and location. He wanted him to focus on more. He wanted him to catch a big vision. You are expected to see above the present situation in your business no matter the level you are now. Even if you have achieved a lot already, you can still achieve more. You are representing your good vision in a diagram. You want to set growth plans that you can pursue from the 4-cardinal point directions.

From the Place Where You Are: This is one of the beauties of this tool. You can have growth visions or plan set for your business no matter where you are presently. If your business situation is ugly at present, don’t worry, put together your compass plan and you are ready to achieve great things in the nearest future.

I have observed I have achieved almost everything I have helped myself to see about our organization years after I have seen and written them down in my compass plan. 

Look north, south, east and west: These are the cardinal points. God used the four cardinal points analogy to let Abraham know that anything is possible in any direction as long as he was ready to see it. It is another important message for you and your business. Catch a vision from any direction and from wherever you have decided to operate from. All things are possible to him who believes (Mark 9:23).

For all the land which you see I give to you: God told Abraham that he had His support on whatever he had decided to see. His help and support will give whatever he had decided to see to him. If you are able to see great business achievements and profits in the 4-cardinal points, God will be there to help you to achieve the results. I wrote extensively on this in one of the titles of this book series, Spiritual Backing for Your Business. You may need to check it out and others at https://sesanoguntade.com/start-a-faith-based-business

Arise, walk in the land through its length and its width: Here, God helped Abraham to know he had a responsibility to work diligently to get whatever he had decided to see. He was not to sit down and expect God to do all the work for him. He was to arise, walk in the land through its length and breadth. In other words, don’t set up your compass plan and fold your hands. That is what I call, ‘faith irresponsibility’! You have works to do. The compass plan is there to act as a guide for how you will work out your plan or business success. 

You have a part to carry out useful researches, bring the right people together for projects, use implementation ideas and more to get to your targets. 

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