When Our Choices Enslave Us - Today Can Be Different
“Sin will take you farther than you want to go, keep you longer than you want to stay and cost you more than you want to pay” (Author unknown).
The gravity of our poor choices is huge.
Romans 6:16 (ESV) helps us understand the seriousness of sin:
Do you not know that if you present yourselves to anyone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin, which leads to death, or of obedience, which leads to righteousness?
What sin (from your past or your present) pops into your mind when you read this verse? How has being enslaved to this behavior affected you emotionally? How much worse will your life be if you remain enslaved for another year? For another decade?
For the rest of your life?
We know that addictions, stealing, lying, etc. take their toll on every area of our lives – including our mental health. But what about the “smaller” sins and bad choices we struggle with every day? Just because we don’t rank these behaviors as major sins doesn’t mean they don’t affect us.
When we’re critical and judgmental, doesn’t it make us sad to see our relationships suffer and sometimes end? When we constantly give in to procrastination, doesn’t it discourage us when we miss an important deadline and realize a coveted opportunity has expired? When we consistently eat more than we should, don’t we feel depressed when the extra pounds stay “longer than we want them to stay?”
Yet, when we consistently yield to God’s grace, we can be supportive in our relationships, meet deadlines, and stick to a healthier eating plan. Our sleep will be sweeter because our days are more satisfying.
Are we going to follow God and live for Him each day – one choice at a time – or are we going to remain enslaved to behavior we hate more and more every day?
As we spend more time meditating on Scripture and making ourselves accountable to a godly mentor or small group, our victory over sin will dramatically increase and we’ll become more emotionally stable.
Instead of allowing sin and bad choices take us farther than we want to go in a direction we have no desire to stay in, let’s allow righteousness and good choices take us even farther than we ever hoped – in a better and more purposeful direction.
What about you?
I’d love to hear your thoughts about this post. (Your comment might also benefit others.)
- How much worse will your life be if you remain enslaved to your sin for another year? Even another day?
- How has being enslaved to your destructive behavior affected you emotionally?
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