Who crucified Jesus?

Hey everyone!

Thanks so much for all your comments. It’s always good to know that people are reading what you have to say.

I just received a comment from Randy, who watched one of our Easter webcasts:

“I do have one question, who actually crucified Christ? Was it the Romans, as I have always believed, or was it the Jewish people?”

Well, Randy, that’s a great question.

Who crucified Jesus? Maybe the question should be, who didn’t crucify Jesus?

The religious leaders played their part, as did Judas, Pilate, and, of course, the actual soldiers who put the nails in His hands and feet. Satan played his part as well, but here’s something else to consider–God the Father killed Jesus.

You read that right. Here are some verses to back that up:

  • Isaiah 53:10 says, “Yet it was the ‘WILL OF THE LORD to crush Him; He has put Him to grief” (ESV).
  • Romans 8:32 tells us, “God did not spare even His own Son, but GAVE HIM UP for us all” (NLT).
  • Romans 3:25 says, “God put (Christ) forward . . . by His blood to be received by faith” (ESV).

But why? Because there was no other way to satisfy the righteous demands of a God we have all sinned against, God the Father sent Jesus to the cross to bear the sins of humanity, so that we might come into fellowship with Him! And I might add that God the Son willingly went to that cross.

I would recommend you listen to my message I gave on Good Friday, where I deal with this question you asked and more. You can hear it by clicking here.


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