Will never face the damage - Divorce Minister

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 But when Pharaoh saw that there was relief, he hardened his heart and did not heed them, as the Lord had said.

-Exodus 8:15, NKJV

This is a fact of life. God allows people to harden their hearts just as He allowed Pharaoh to do.

Christians are often naïve about this dynamic, though.

They assume that the cheater will deal with their sins eventually. However, that is just not the case. I would argue the majority of cheaters never deal with the damage they created while sinning against God and their spouse (at the time).

Facing such damage requires great humility and vulnerability, these are not traits cheaters generally have or are willing to cultivate.

Cheaters take the easy way as a rule. Humility and empathy for their victims is definitely not the easy path.

Plus, facing such damage makes the cheater look into the mirror. If they live in a shame-based identity, this is beyond devastating for them. A person who all about performance does not have the capacity to do this.

This is why, in part, I believe it is only God’s grace that allows a cheater to face their sins and truly repent. They need His power to do so.

Sadly, many cheaters have so shipwrecked their faith that they are dumb and blind to God’s ways and power. Hence, it ought to be far from shocking that few ever to the hard work of facing the damage of their sins and repenting.

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