
As the years pass and the end of your journey draws near you will, surely, recall those dreams of yesterday. And if you could capture yesterday, you would keep it forever.

We knew many people who walked this earth once, and it seems like yesterday they were here with us. I know there is Someone who comes to take us away someday. Do you ever wonder where they have all gone? The great and small, the kings and the poorest of men? They walked this path before us and it was just yesterday they were here in the land of the living, but, Someone came and took them all away.

Life is like a puff of smoke that vanishes away, and you wish you could just stop time. But it’s not possible, no matter how hard you try. I wish I could tell you about yesterday, but you probably won’t listen. You live as if you will be forever in this place, but the truth is you will cast a glance at your life and grasp it ever tightly as it slips away.

Then a day comes you thought was still very far away when Someone will surely come for you too. And you will only be remembered until yesterday is gone, when even those with memories of you are taken away too.

Oh, my children will you listen to me, or will my voice cry out to you forever after we’re all gone? Will you remember the path I showed you? Will you seek the narrow gate?
For I sought to show you that which was true when I used to walk in the land of the living. Just remember, people do not pass away as they say, they are in a moment taken away, and He sees their place gone forever.

The day my eyes grow dim and my breathing ends, be assured that Someone came to take me away…it was the King of Kings who left His throne to suffer and die in my place, and it seems like it was just yesterday that He said He would come back for me.

“Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.” John 14:1-3

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