Altering My Personal Leadership Style - Ron Edmondson

I am trying to do a better job of adding structure and management to my leadership style. Honestly my preferred approach is to hire the right people and trust them to do the job they were hired to do with limited interaction from me.  I want to be a resource for the people I lead, I try to be approachable, I believe in investment and teaching, but ultimately I want to lead, as I like to be led, and that is with limited direct oversight.

I have learned that this approach is not always effective and honestly it is not even always fair.  I realize, especially in the birthing stage of our church, that people are looking to me for accountability and structure. They want and need to be managed as much as be led.  (I personally believe there is a difference.  To read more about this concept read this POST.)

In my pursuit for consistent improvement in my own life I am opening myself up to a new approach. I will attempt to ask more questions to keep people accountable.  I will visit people’s offices more frequently.  I will eat more lunches with my staff.  I will do a better job of tracking individual progress. It is not a matter of trust but a matter of recognizing the responsibility that I have been given and the individuality of the people I lead.

Leaders, do you need to consider a different approach to your leadership style?  Are you willing to change your approach if the organization or the people you lead require something different than you are accustomed to giving?


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