How to control and overcome anger: Kill anger before it kills you!

How to control and overcome anger: Kill anger before it kills you!

Posted on December 1, 2016 Updated on November 29, 2016

Ephesians 4 vs 26 “In your anger do not sin”: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, 27 and do not give the devil a foothold.

 Ecclesiastics 7 vs 9:Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit, for anger resides in the lap of fools.

How to overcome Anger By Evangelist Steve Kayode Pelemo, World Overcomers Church, Lagos, Nigeria

  1. Angry people are fools.
  2. Do not get angry in a hurry.
  3. Allow yourself to be cheated.
  4. Don’t allow your anger to sleep over with you to the next day.
  5. The solution to the problem that is making you get angry, is not to get angry.
  6. You need wisdom to avoid anger
  7. You need wisdom to resolve what makes you angry.
  8. Learn how to turn what wants to make you angry into a joke or laughter.
  9. Diffuse anger with a smile. When you are really, really angry, just SMILE.
  10. People can always justify why they are angry.
  11. Control your anger.
  12. Do not release contrary words when you are angry.
  13. If you know the effect of anger, you will not allow yourself to become angry.
  14. Anger kills, anger destroys, and anger is the root cause of some terrible diseases like High blood pressure, Hypertension, and heart attack.
  15. Several people have lost their jobs because of anger.
  16. Several ladies have lost their husbands because of anger.
  17. Several men have ruined their marriages because of anger.
  18. Several people have lost several blessings because of anger.
  19. Anger can cause people not to reach their promised land like the case of Biblical Moses, who allowed anger to overcome him.
  20. Anger destroys the future. The future of several people have been destroyed through anger.
  21. Kill anger, before it kills you.
  22. You may not be able to overcome the spirit of anger overnight. Continue to work on yourself daily until you overcome it.
  23. Use the word of God to overcome your anger. Meditate on the word of God when you are angry.
  24. Anger can be positive, and you need to direct it correctly.
  25. You are only permitted to get angry at the devil.
  26. Direct or turn your anger into prayers. This is what is called positive anger.
  27. Drop every hanging issue that provokes you to become angry.
  28. Every hanging angry issue must disappear in Jesus name.

Babatope Babalobi: + 2348035897435

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This entry was posted in Christianity and tagged anger, angry, Babatope Babalobi, Bible, Deliverance, deliverance prayer, Devotionals, God, good news, Jesus, Save the World.

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