Are you cheating on God?

Are you cheating on God?

Posted on January 17, 2018

Babatope Babalobi: + 2348035897435

James 4:4-6 (KJV)Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.

Do ye think that the scripture saith in vain, The spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to envy? But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.

Image result for James 4:4-6

James 4:4-6

4-6 You’re cheating on God. If all you want is your own way, flirting with the world every chance you get, you end up enemies of God and his way. And do you suppose God doesn’t care? The proverb has it that “he’s a fiercely jealous lover.” And what he gives in love is far better than anything else you’ll find. It’s common knowledge that “God goes against the willful proud; God gives grace to the willing humble.”

  1. Cheating is a word often used to describe unfaithful relationship between lovers
  2. A married man keeping a mistress is said to be cheating on his wife
  3. It the same vein a married woman involved in extra marital affairs is said to be cheating on his wife.
  4. Even in courtship or relationships either partners could cheat on themselves by dating someone else
  5. Cheating by either partner is viewed as a serious offence in relationship often leading to break ups, separations, or divorce.
  6. Just as we cheat on our partners in relationship we can also cheat on God.
  7. Earlier today, a member of this group told me she has rededicated her life to God assuring that she will never cheat on God again
  8. Are you cheating on God! How can you cheat on God?

What are the facts about spiritual adultery and cheating on God?

  1. The moment you become born again you have entered into a relationship with God
  2. God is jealous
  3. God respects covenants and agreements
  4. God is the lover of every Christian
  5. God is a faithful lover who demands faithfulness
  6. God is a possessive lover, He does not want you to share the love you have for Him with an anybody or anything else or any other god

James 4:4-6(KJV)Ye adulterers and adulteresses,

James 4:4-64-6 You’re cheating on God.

How can you commit spiritual adultery? How can you cheat on God?

  1. God thinks of you all the time and seeks you first every day, but are you not thinking of Him all the time or seeking Him first. You are cheating on God by not thinking of Him always and seeking Him first every day.
  2. God looks after you even when you are sleeping and snoring..throughout the terrors of the night.. If you wake up, and you refuse to say Good morning Jesus, refuse to do a quiet time, forget to do morning prayers, but remember to greet loved ones instead, you are cheating on God
  3. God through the Holy Spirit is always willing and ready to talk to you through His word. He wants to speak to you but you are ignoring him for other distractions. If you fail to fellowship with God by reading the Bible, through which He wants to speak with you, but you rather prefer to gossip with neighbours you are cheating on God.
  4. Anyday you fail to talk to God in prayers, you have cheated on God because He wants to hear your voice always. 1 Thessalonians 5 vs 17 says pray without ceasing
  5. If you prefer to talk to your phone all the time rather than your Bible…then you are cheating on God…that is why he called you an adulteress
  6. If you are supposed or have decided to attend a Christian programme, but got engrossed with movies or other worldly distractions, you have cheated on God and you are an adulteress. James 4:4-6King James Version (KJV)Ye adulterers and adulteresses
  7. Anytime you commit a sin, you have cheated on God, because you failed to keep your bargain to sin no more.
  8. Anytime you commit a sexual sin, you have cheated on God, His spirit is inside you and you have polluted your body which is the house of His spirit. I COR 6 VS 19
    What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which isin you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?
  9. Anytime you commit sexual sin, you are cheating on God whose spirit lives in your body and who cannot behold sin
  10. Anytime you disobey divine instructions you are cheating on God because He keeps his promises.
  11. Anytime you defile your body with alcoholic drinks, cigarettes, drug addiction, tattoos, you are cheating on God who designed you for His glory.God will not put a tattoo on His body, why are you defiling your body created in His image.
  12. Anytime you call on a god or indulge in idolatry you are cheating on God who is jealous and punishes idolatry upon to the fourth generation.
  13. Anytime you visit a false prophet or consult a magician you are provoking the jealous of God who punishes idolatry upon to the fourth generation.
  14. Anytime you give glory man instead of God, you are cheating on God who does not share His glory with man
  15. Anytime you refuse to honour God with your tithes you are cheating on God who gives you the power to make wealth
  16. Anytime you refuse to honour God with the best of your firstfruits, you are cheating on God who is the source of your promotion.
  17. Anytime you refuse or forget to give God a good offering like Abels, you are cheating on God who gives you the power to make wealth.
  18. Anytime you abandon Church, fellowship, Bible study, evangelism, or prayer for gossip, entertainment, shows, football, fashion, etc you are cheating on God who wants your attention all the time.
  19. Anytime you make a vow and refuse to fulfil it, you are cheating on the covenant keeping God.

Come back to God

  1. Confess your sins and repent
  2. Pledge to be faithful
  3. Go and sin no more
  4. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you
  5. Restitute where possible
  6. Redeclare your love to God

Babatope Babalobi: + 2348035897435

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This entry was posted in Christianity and tagged adultery, babalobi, Babatope Babalobi, Bible study, christian prayers, Christianity, church, Devotionals, God, Holiness, Jesus, Prayers, Religion.

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