Will I Ever Feel Normal Again? Ministry of Hope with Melanie Redd

Do you find yourself wondering, Will I Ever Feel Normal Again? Whoever thought that feeling normal would be something we’d desire! But, we are living in that day. Why not drop by to get some very practical tips on how to bring aa little normalcy back into your world? #normal #normalcy #normalagain #regularlife #feelbetter

As I was driving to the grocery yesterday, I popped in an old CD that I had found while going through some garage boxes.

I hadn’t seen the CD in a long time.

As familiar notes and lyrics poured through my speakers, I turned up the volume and began to sing along at the top of my lungs (all by myself in the car.)

And, just for a moment, I felt so good.

I wasn’t thinking about the virus or the violence or the soaring cost of groceries.

Further, I wasn’t worried about the election or the future of the world.

Instead, I was just a girl, driving along enjoying the music and feeling almost… normal.

I was just a girl, driving along enjoying the music and feeling almost… normal. Click To Tweet

Do you find yourself wondering, Will I Ever Feel Normal Again? Whoever thought that feeling normal would be something we’d desire! But, we are living in that day. Why not drop by to get some very practical tips on how to bring aa little normalcy back into your world? #normal #normalcy #normalagain #regularlife #feelbetter


Whoever thought that feeling normal would be something we’d desire!

Maybe you can relate?

How long has it been since you did something that made you feel normal?

Something that made you feel good inside and out?

It’s as if we all have been somberly dragging along to the beat of the weirdest, strangest music we’ve ever heard.

And, we have accepted it as normal.

But, it’s not!

We weren’t created to drag along in misery!

God didn’t make us to walk through this life in defeat!

Truly, we weren’t built to go along with the weird flow that’s taken over our world.

God didn’t make us to walk through this life in defeat! Click To Tweet

Instead, the Bible tells us that we were designed to soar!


Isaiah 40:31 comes to mind, “But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. And, they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not faint.”

The Amplified Bible states it this way:

“But those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him] Will gain new strength and renew their power; they will lift up their wings [and rise up close to God] like eagles [rising toward the sun]; they will run and not become weary, They will walk and not grow tired.”

Do you find yourself wondering, Will I Ever Feel Normal Again? Whoever thought that feeling normal would be something we’d desire! But, we are living in that day. Why not drop by to get some very practical tips on how to bring aa little normalcy back into your world? #normal #normalcy #normalagain #regularlife #feelbetter

Indeed, our amazing God created us to live in hope and victory!

We are to soar high like the eagle, to run without growing weary, and to walk without growing faint—no matter where we live, when we live, or what is going on around us.

But, how do we practically do this?

How do we discover our normal again and begin to soar?

What do we do when we face the question—will I ever feel normal again?

What do we do when we face the question—will I ever feel normal again? Click To Tweet

I’d like to give you 12 practical actions you can take to feel more like yourself right now.

If you are wondering, “Will I ever feel normal again,” these words are for you!

First… pray and ask God to help.

What can you pray?

To begin with, you can invite God to give you peace.

Also, you can ask God to restore the joy of your salvation.

And, you can petition God for sufficient grace.

Why not pray the words of the Prayer of Jabez?

Or, pray the words of Isaiah 41:10.

“So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

Isaiah 41:10

Do you find yourself wondering, Will I Ever Feel Normal Again? Whoever thought that feeling normal would be something we’d desire! But, we are living in that day. Why not drop by to get some very practical tips on how to bring aa little normalcy back into your world? #normal #normalcy #normalagain #regularlife #feelbetter

Second… Locate your favorite old CD or song or playlist, and listen!

Put on your headphones and turn up the volume.

And, sing along!

There is something about those old familiar words and notes that will take you back to better days, and remind you of God’s faithfulness.

If Father God has brought you this far, He’s not going to leave you or let you down now.

If Father God has brought you this far, He’s not going to leave you or let you down now. Click To Tweet

“The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”

Deuteronomy 31:8

Third… Call an encouraging friend!

Don’t text.


Talk about fun memories.

Share your heart and your struggles.

Maybe even pray for each other over the phone.

This call will do you a world of good!

Indeed, we need our friends right now… more than ever.

And, if you’d like some encouragement about how to make better friends, you might check out this article – “How to Make Better Friends.

“A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity.”

Proverbs 17:17

Do you find yourself wondering, Will I Ever Feel Normal Again? Whoever thought that feeling normal would be something we’d desire! But, we are living in that day. Why not drop by to get some very practical tips on how to bring aa little normalcy back into your world? #normal #normalcy #normalagain #regularlife #feelbetter

Fourth… Get outdoors!

Go outside and do something.

Work in the yard. Sit on your porch. Walk around the block. Wave at your neighbors.

Enjoy the change of scenery!

If possible, get out in the woods or explore a local park.

Being outdoors will make you feel more normal!

And, if you need some more ideas, check out this article for, “Things to Do Outside With Your Family.”

Fifth… Eat something you love to eat.

There is something about enjoying a favorite recipe that is amazing.

Possibly, you need to cook that meal you love or order takeout.

Maybe you can find this particular food online or at the local grocery.

And, just for fun, I’m including an article I found in Southern Living called, “101 Best Comfort Food Classics.”

Sixth… Meet a friend outdoors.

Connect with a friend and enjoy time together.

You can do this outside!

Meet in the Starbucks parking lot.

Enjoy a walk together.

Grab lunch or dinner at a place that has outdoor seating.

There is nothing like looking a friend in the eyes and enjoying in-person fellowship!

For more on better conversations, check out this post – “How to Have Better & Deeper Conversations with Family and Friends.”

There is nothing like looking a friend in the eyes and enjoying in-person fellowship! Click To Tweet

Do you find yourself wondering, Will I Ever Feel Normal Again? Whoever thought that feeling normal would be something we’d desire! But, we are living in that day. Why not drop by to get some very practical tips on how to bring aa little normalcy back into your world? #normal #normalcy #normalagain #regularlife #feelbetter

Seventh… Go for a long drive.

Roll down the windows and enjoy a drive in your car.

Crank up the music, if you choose!

The change of scenery will do you some good.

And, if you want to have some alone time, this is a great way to get it.

Eighth… Do something you love to do.

Of course, there are some limits right now.

But, you can still enjoy your hobbies and favorite pastimes.

Work in the garden, read a great book, work a puzzle, paint something, or pull out your old instrument and play.

Or, maybe you are reading to try something new and different?

It’s never too late to try!

For more ideas on hobbies, check out this article – “101 Hobbies to Start in 2020.”

Do you find yourself wondering, Will I Ever Feel Normal Again? Whoever thought that feeling normal would be something we’d desire! But, we are living in that day. Why not drop by to get some very practical tips on how to bring aa little normalcy back into your world? #normal #normalcy #normalagain #regularlife #feelbetter

Ninth… Watch a favorite old movie.

Now, you may be one of those people who doesn’t like to see the same movie twice. (My husband is like this.)

But, watching an old movie can bring back great memories and maybe even a little comfort.

Many old movies are available on Amazon Prime, or they may even be playing on Netflix or cable.

And, you may want to check out these ideas to make movie night better with your family. It’s called, “6 Family Movie Night Suggestions.”

Also, if you need some reminders of great flicks, check out this movie list on IMBd of the Most Watched Movies of all time.

Tenth… Ask God to give you a verse each morning.

Every morning, I ask God to give me a word of hope from the Bible for my day.

Then, I write it on my “to do” list.

These words inspire me and keep me focused on heaven.

So, take a few moments in the morning, and invite God to give you a good word for the day!

To get going with a daily devotional time, you might check out this post about Making Bible Study More Interesting.

So, take a few moments in the morning, and invite God to give you a good word for the day! Click To Tweet

Eleventh… Do something fun with your family.

Pull out the board games.

Plan a scavenger hunt.

Take a quick trip – if you dare!

Go to the park together and ride bikes.

For more great ideas, check out this article called, “65 Fun Activities to do with Kids.”

Finally… Attend church online or in person.

We were created by our heavenly Father to meet together.

Find a way to gather.

So lets do itfull of belief, confident that were presentable inside and out. Lets keep a firm grip on the promises that keep us going. He always keeps his word. Lets see how inventive we can be in encouraging love and helping out, not avoiding worshiping together as some do but spurring each other on, especially as we see the big Day approaching.”

Hebrews 10:22-25, The Message

Do you find yourself wondering, Will I Ever Feel Normal Again? Whoever thought that feeling normal would be something we’d desire! But, we are living in that day. Why not drop by to get some very practical tips on how to bring aa little normalcy back into your world? #normal #normalcy #normalagain #regularlife #feelbetter

A few online churches you may want to check out:

The Life Church

Bellevue Baptist Church

Passion City Church

Chuck Swindoll’s Church

Saddleback Church

So, these are just a few ideas on how to feel more normal again.

What suggestions do you have?

What are you and your family doing to add more normalcy to your daily lives?

Were you blessed by what you read?

Then, would you share this article with a friend, co-worker, or family member?

Or, maybe you can send it to a friend or family member?

This blog occasionally uses affiliate links and may contain affiliate links. Additionally, Melanie Redd is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com. Also, for more on my disclosure policy, click HERE.

© Melanie Redd and Ministry of Hope, 2020. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Further, excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Melanie Redd and Ministry of Hope with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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