RELP - Episode 1 - Leading Difficult People - Ron Edmondson

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In this episode of The Ron Edmondson Leadership Podcast, Ron and Nate discuss leading difficult people. We are joining the Lifeway Leadership Podcast Network.

Why launch a podcast with a topic so grim?

Well, two options –

A. This is simply the first one we recorded and we weren’t thinking about the grimness. (We recorded 10 episodes before we launched.)

B. This is my current reality and one I have experienced throughout my ministry (and leadership) career. (And true for Nate as well.)

And both would probably be true. This podcast builds from the blog I’ve had for over 10 years addressing real issues in leadership – primarily in the ministry context. I try to provide applicable, helpful advice to sometimes weary leaders.

I have dealt with some really difficult people over the years. A few stand out to me more than others. In the business world and government world, there were people who I just knew I had to learn to contend with. They were key customers or crucial financial supporters.

What I did not realize was how these people are also in the church. Many times they are in church leadership. If I did not learn how to lead them well, I would never have been successful in church planting or church revitalization.

Thankfully, along the way, I have learned some hard lessons. If you have difficult people in your ministry context, I hope this will help.

Here’s to leading difficult people well.

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