Praying God's Word Wednesday #41: Isaiah 52:6 - Lauren Sparks

Isaiah 52:6In the book of Isaiah, chapter 52, Isaiah prophesies of hope in Christ the Redeemer and the glory of His coming kingdom.  Israel, God’s chosen people, had been enslaved, abused and mistreated.  With their eyes on their circumstances, they questioned God, disappointed Him and oftentimes turned their backs on Him.  But in Isaiah 52:6, a time is foretold when the slaves will be redeemed and clothed as kings.

“Therefore My people shall know My name; therefore in that day I am the one who is speaking, ‘Here I am.’”  Isaiah 52:6 NASB

Our God has many names.  He is called Father, The Beginning and the End, The God Most High, The God Who Sees, God Almighty, The Creator, The Self-Existent One, The Lord our Provider, The Lord our Healer, and on and on.

Upon reading this verse, the simple words formed a very profound prayer for me. 

And for that person to understand Him as such.  Let the enormity of that sink in for a moment.

In using the second part of the verse, when we ask for God to speak “Here I am”, we are also actually asking for the object of our intercession to know God well enough to recognize His voice in a sea of others.  And we also ask for God to draw near.  So much spiritual depth in one sentence of scripture.  So let’s pray.

Isaiah 52:6

Replace the name and pronouns with the appropriate ones for the person (or yourself) that you are praying for.

Praying for you in this.  And don’t forget to share on social media or with a friend who could benefit.  It would mean so much to me.  And if you don’t want to miss a Praying God’s Word Wednesday, subscribe over on the right hand side of this page.


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