Encouraging news from Mt. Zion Bible Church / Chapel Library

(Photo: Unsplash)

By Elizabeth Prata

I’ve shared before how wonderful the ministry of Chapel Library is. It’s an arm of the Mt. Zion Bible Church in Pensacola, FL. The good folks at their library ministry describe it this way-

Chapel Library’s mission is sending Christ-centered literature worldwide without charge. Chapel Library offers almost 1000 titles in English, 200 in Spanish, and dozens in other languages. The Free Grace Broadcaster, our primary publication, is a collection of 6 to 10 articles on one subject from the best authors from prior centuries.

It’s awesome. Their library of quality essays is excellent, and you can download, read online, or have them send hard copy to you for free. Their library looks like this-

Chapel Library

Their monthly pamphlet, Free Grace Broadcaster, a series of essays based on one topic-

As with many ministries, occasionally they send out an update of their activities. I found the recent update to be encouraging. I received it a couple of months ago and I want to share it with you. With all the drastic sin we’re seeing nowadays, the collapse of civic diligence, the rampant violence etc, this ministry update helps remind us that the Lord is in control and He does not leave His people alone. He is with us. He is growing His people. He makes ministries thrive. His Spirit educates people. It’s so uplifting to see the Lord’s activity in the world in these ministry reports.

Here’s Chapel Library:

The Lord’s Faithfulness in the Last Three Years

The Lord has shown Himself faithful and kind to the ministries of Mt. Zion Bible Church in the last three years. With all the turmoil and uncertainties in our own country and around the world, we’ve wondered what this period of crisis holds for our literature ministry and the Bible Institute.

As we mentioned a couple of years ago, in 2019 the Lord blessed us to update our print shop[ and bindery with brand new equipment.

In 2020-2022 we have been blessed with generous giving from donors around North America, as well as some from around the world.

From 2018-2020, we began to see an increase in orders from other countries. We believe two factors contributed to that: the Lord blessed us to negotiate special rates with key international shippers and enabled us to streamline our processing of international orders through our website (www.ChapelLibrary.org).

In 2021, international requests for literature increased even more, twice as many as in 2020.

So far in 2022 (just into August),we’ve already surpassed the figures for all of last year!

We praise the Lord for the increasing volume. Please pray with us for wisdom, effectiveness, and fruit from the Holy Spirit’s work through the tracts, booklets, books, and courses that are going out all over the world!

That is the end of Chapel Library’s update, but wait! There’s more! The Lord has His own in every nation, tribe, and tongue. Chapel Library also lists the following praise reports from many different countries-

Kenya – “I have found your materials to be so useful not only to me but also to our church. I have not only been enriched and enlightened, but also I have found answers to questions that I never knew.”

Cuba – “Since I found your website online, I have dedicated long hours to reading literature in digital format. It has been a great blessing, consolation and edification in my life and that of my family. Less than a year ago I was diagnosed with Severe Dilated Myocarditis and I have spent most of my time at home in prayer and perseverance of the faith.”

Philippines – “Book received. I’m so happy. My heart leaps with joy. It really helped me, my family, and the church.”

Argentina – “Thank you for the shipment of literature for the prison ministry where I am sharing the Gospel.”

Namibia – “I have received my parcel. We trust that the Lord will use all these materials to build His church, even here.”

Yes, even there. The Lord is sovereign over all nations and there is no corner left untouched by His presence in some believing saints. It’s heartening to know that there are solid Christians stationed all over the world, ministering in churches, prisons, families, even the hard places.

As with Chapel Library and so it is with you- you never know where the words you produce, written or vocal, will reach ears needing to hear graceful speech.

Let no unwholesome word come out of your mouth, but if there is any good word for edification according to the need of the moment, say that, so that it will give grace to those who hear. (Ephesians 4:29).

Pray for ministries that are dear to you. Give, generously if you can. Even if you can’t, there are ways, such as Amazon’s Smile- where a portion of whatever you buy will go to a designated charity. Here is their explanation, “AmazonSmile is a simple way for you to support your favorite charitable organization every time you shop, at no cost to you.” FMI about Amazon Smile, go here. To view a list of their approved charities, go here. My designated charity Amazon Smile funds go toward is the Gideons International.

Praise the Lord for His work in the world! No matter how dark the days, His light never dims!

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