How to save hopeless marriage through kneeling in prayer
Years may have already passed after your marriage and you start to wonder how it became hopeless.
With all the ups and downs of marriage, do prayers work in saving a hopeless marriage?

None of us is excused for having problems in marriage whether you are already a believer or not.
Some vivid hallmarks of an unhappy marriage include the absence of loving expressions, lack of respect between the husbands and wives, and not valuing each other.
In addition, having a hopeless marriage is sometimes the result of not addressing and healing wounds from infidelity, trauma, or loss.
If you and your spouse have already reached the point of abusing each other emotionally and physically, then your marriage is about to fall.
There are some negative impacts of having a toxic and unhappy marriage. First, it affects the children if they see them fighting and yelling at each other.
Moreover, hopeless marriages could cause significant stress, which affects the physical condition.
Couples could feel depressed, anxious, and ineffective. Some could also result in decreased self-esteem.
Saving Hopeless Marriage through Kneeling in Prayer
There are things we cannot handle on our own, and sometimes we just need to surrender the battle to God and let Him win.
If you think that you have tried everything to save your marriage and nothing happened, then you have yet to figure out everything.
Kneel in prayer until something happens.
Studies show that prayer offers insulation against the common human weaknesses leading to marital infidelity.
The research found that those who pray for their spouse daily are more committed than those who only think of good things about their partner.
Also, those who pray for their partners have nurtured more profound satisfaction with their marriage.
Another study mentions that daily prayer for your spouse could lead you to have less interest in entering into romantic activity outside marriage than those who do not pray.
Stormie Omartian from The Power of a Praying Wife emphasized that they can take a stand against negativities in their marriage and know that God has given the power in His name to back it up.
To convince you more of how prayer works to save your hopeless marriage, here are more impacts of communicating with God to turn your hopelessness into hopefulness.
Prayer Unites Married Couples before God

Sometimes, the other spouse is not ready and willing to pray with their partner. As you pray alone for your partner, God changes your heart first before working on your spouse.
You can talk to God about anything you know about your spouse. You can complain about their attitude, and God is willing to listen.
When you pray for your spouse privately, you allow God to work in your spouse’s life.
More importantly, it makes your heart softer and more knowledgeable about supporting your spouse.
Communicating with God allows you to understand His words to give grace, compassion, and forgiveness as Jesus did for you.
Prayer Allows Partners to Heal

Prayer is the most efficient way to heal relationships. You can make two choices for your marriage: either we allow Satan to destroy it while you are fearful and worried, or you pray for God to work on your heart and bring changes.
Praying allows people to hand over control to God and let him carry the emotional damage in marriage.
It will enable you to lay all the heavy loads a God’s feet and trust him to hold them.
Whenever you communicate with God, God helps you to see your spouse through His eyes and have compassion for the pain.
If your marriage has damaged you, prayer is the most powerful method you can use to heal in your situation.
God would remind you what it means to love, and in love, there are no records of wrongs.
Prayer Allows You to Survive

With everything that happened in your marriage, sometimes it is easy to see that you are the victim and your spouse is the villain in the story.
If you were stuck in a negative rut and devoured by the pain of your situation, you cannot help but think you are a victim.
On the other hand, if you were the victim, you could not save your hopeless marriage.
But prayer allows you to turn your brokenness into breakthroughs. It gives you the power not to let your painful situation define your marriage’s future.
You could have the strength to follow God’s leading and be happy, peaceful, and hopeful.
Prayer could allow you to claim what you have over your life by focusing on what matters most.
Instead of being stuck on how your spouse has hurt you, you can celebrate God’s unfailing love and promise that you are a conqueror, not a victim.
Prayer Allows You to be Willing to Repent

The more you communicate with God and know His words. You will realize that your hopeless marriage is not only your spouse’s fault.
As you pray for your partner, God will also teach and correct you for what you did and did not do for your marriage to work.
When God speaks and corrects you, you must be willing to accept and repent.
God is searching for a repentant heart before He helps you change your marriage. If God sees that you are willing to see and work on your failures, He can do miracles in your relationship.
Humility is what God is looking for Him to intervene in your marriage.
Prayer could help you humble yourself before God and repent of what makes your marriage unhealthy.
You can ask God to help you see the truth about yourself before you ask Him to do the same for your partner.
Prayer Builds up Marriage

God is not deaf and blind in your prayers. He sees your willingness and desire to save your hopeless marriage; with prayer, you will never lose your relationship with your spouse.
In the Scripture in Jude 1:20, Jude declared that you could build yourself through your holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit.
God would build you and your marriage up as you pray and allot time petitioning and community with Him.
If you and your spouse are filled with the Holy Spirit, your marriage will come to fruition.
Prayer could build up personalities and qualities your marriage needs to build up too, then God wonderfully empowers your home.