What God says About You? 3 Amazing Truths
Do you wonder what God says about you? This post highlights three amazing truths about what God says about you.
Nearly a decade ago, my husband wrote Ephesians 2:10 on a white 3×5 index card. Our two children were toddlers at the time and we had gone to the community pool to enjoy the dog days of summer.
In the midst of applying sunscreen and adjusting swimmies, an acquaintance approached me. After exchanging pithy pleasantries, she said, “I didn’t know you were expecting again.”
This comment would have been acceptable if I was pregnant with my third child, however, I was NOT pregnant. Obviously, I was still hanging on to the weight from my previous pregnancies.
I tried to pull up my big-girl swimsuit bottoms and keep my emotions in check, but her comment side-swiped me.
I couldn’t get her perception of my midsection out of my mind. Her innocent mistake brought to light my insecurities.
I had already been feeling self-conscious about my body, and her statement revealed that I wasn’t the only one who noticed my imperfections—she saw them too.
“For we are God’s workmanship created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do”
Ephesians 2:10
What God says about You Matters More Than Anyone Else
This brief interaction watered down my day, much more than the pool water had, and I let one person’s one-minute comment ruin an entire 24-hour period.
That evening, I rehashed the conversation with my husband. The next morning, I found Ephesians 2:10 written in orange marker (remember we had toddlers at the time) on an index card taped to my bathroom mirror.
He’d personalized the verse for me: Rachael, you are God’s workmanship, and what a beautiful work He has created.
At that moment, my husband’s words were a desperately needed reminder of my inherent worth to him and to God.
Though it is not nearly as crisp and white as it once was, that index card is still taped to my bathroom mirror. I see it every single day as I look at my reflection.
Some days, like that summer day a decade ago, I need the verse to encourage my heart pertaining to my physical appearance—especially as my hair begins to gray and my smile lines become more pronounced.
But more often than not, I need the verse emotionally and spiritually.
You see, just like I allowed that woman’s comment (that I’m still hanging on to and writing about a decade later) to stir up comparison, guilt, insecurity, and shame about my body, I do the same thing when it comes to my talents and gifts.
I doubt the value and impact of my contributions.
Am I doing a good job as a wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, church member, writer, and Christ-follower? Am I doing enough? My life feels too small to make a big difference, yet I want it to.
These are the thoughts I wrestle with on a daily basis, and I have a feeling our hearts are similar.
We want our lives to count, but we feel minuscule, like our ordinary everyday moments will never amount to anything.
We take stock of the families we are born into, the towns we grew up in, and the positions we serve in, then we determine they are of little value.
If we aren’t careful, we can start to believe that who we are, where we are, and what we are doing doesn’t really matter.
What God says About you? 3 Amazing Truths
Here are 3 truths about what God says about you; you are God’s workmanship, you are made in His image and you were made for a reason.
Truth #1 What God says About You: You are God’s Workmanship
Our own inner critic and the voice of the enemy wreak havoc on our confidence. Add to that the words spoken by people in our lives and no wonder we are drowning in discouragement and defeat.
I think it’s safe to assume that someone in your life has spoken words to you, whether intentionally or unintentionally, that have caused you to doubt your value too.
Whether the words were about your body, emotions, or intelligence, they can stick with you for decades, can’t they?
I wish we were together in person today. If we were, I would hand you a white index card with a personalized version of Ephesians 2:10 handwritten on one side and double-sided tape on the other, in hopes that it would cover the distorted reflection you’ve been seeing in your proverbial mirror.
While I can’t give you a card, I hope you can receive these words in your heart and mind:
You are God’s workmanship, and what a beautiful work He has created.
Some translations of Ephesians 2:10 use the term workmanship, while others use the word “masterpiece,” “handiwork,” “work of art,” or “poem.”
Friend, He speaks those words over you. God created you in His image (Genesis 1:27). You are a reflection of His glory.
Truth #2 What God says About You: You are Made in His image
Knowing that we are made in God’s image and thus share many of His characteristics provides a solid basis for our self-worth.
Our worth is not based on possessions, achievements, public acclaim, or physical attractiveness (even in a bathing suit). Instead, it is based on being made in the image of God.
Because we bear His likeness, we can feel positive about ourselves. Criticizing or downgrading ourselves is criticizing what God has made and the abilities He has given us.
In the beginning, God looked upon all He had created and thought it was very good (Genesis 1:31). You too are a part of God’s creation and He is pleased with how He made you.
You are valuable to Him. He created your innermost being and knit you together in your mother’s womb. You are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:13).
Truth #3 What God says About You: You were made for a Reason
If at times you feel down on yourself and of little value, remember that God made you for a good reason. You should have as much respect for yourself as God has for you regardless of what people tell you.
I pray we no longer seek or crave outside affirmation but settle in our minds and hearts that His validation is enough.
You don’t have to stay stuck feeling insignificant and inadequate. May we stop questioning the value of who we are and what we do.
Because of God, we have inherent significance and everything we do for Him is meaningful.
Do you believe what God says about you? Would love to hear from you!
Rachael Adams is the author of A Little Goes a Long Way and host of The Love Offering podcast. You can connect with her by visiting rachaelkadams.com.