1/12 of the Year is GONE — iWork4Him

If you are like me, you find yourself bewildered and perplexed that it is the end of January already.  I mean for crying out loud, where does the time go?  Which makes me ask myself:  

am I making the most of the time that I have? 

I am often reminded that Jesus was busy but never in a hurry.  I’ll bet he’s glad that he wasn’t on the earth during this era of cell phones and the internet! It just seems like this world is crazy busy and so are we.  But Jesus’ example is a great one to follow – do I live life in too big of a hurry?

So…step back and look at your life. Are you spending enough time with the people God has placed in your life?  The people you live with and work with are in your life on purpose. Are you too busy to actually KNOW them?  I confess that I am busy and over committed, but I never want to be in too much of a hurry that I miss the ministry God puts in front of me.

Stop and take time today to smell the fresh air and ask your co-worker to have lunch with you today, or help your neighbor with their yard or shovel their driveway for those of you up north. BE today.  Don’t just exist – BE.  I am working on it.  You try it too.

Proverbs 21:5

If you do find yourself too busy to catch our radio show each day, we have just the thing for you!  Our new iWork4Him PowerPod – subscribe today and catch something new.  

You are loved and appreciated and cherished by our Father.

Jim and I appreciate you too.

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