5 Ways to Offer a Sincere Apology in Your Marriage

We all blow it at times in our marriages and need to make things right. Here are 5 ways to offer a sincere apology in your marriage.

We all make mistakes.

Some are little, some are large.

Some are half-baked, some are full-fledged.

No matter the mistake, it’s important to apologize, especially if it affects your spouse.

Mistakes can hurt marriages, but they can also make it better if you can apologize correctly and get things on the path to healing.

We all blow it at times in our marriages and need to make things right. Here are 5 ways to offer a sincere apology in your marriage.

First, to offer a sincere apology, admit and own up to your mistakes.

Know why you’re apologizing.

You might be able to see that you’ve greatly upset your partner, but you might not know exactly the depths of why they are upset.

Admitting that you are in the wrong is crucial.

Also, take the time to listen to how you have affected them and accept responsibility for doing that.

Second, to offer a sincere apology, don’t offer non-apologies.

Sometimes we apologize, but not really.

There are few words that ruin an apology more than, “I’m sorry you feel that way.”

It shows an utter lack of empathy for what your partner is going through.

You need to be humble and to take their perspective. Put yourself in their shoes.

Offer a sincere and honest apology if you have messed up.

A good marriage is the union of two good forgivers.

Ruth Bell Graham

Third, consider a kind gesture to show how much you care.

No. You can’t pay your way to forgiveness.

However, a heartfelt gift or gesture of remorse may communicate love to your spouse.

For example, you might order flowers.

This can help to brighten up your spouse’s day and make them feel loved.

Fourth, to offer a sincere apology, commit to the other person.

Once you’ve apologized, set aside some extra time to spend together.

Perhaps you take a walk, go out for coffee, or go out for a nice lunch together.

Finally, look to God to make you stronger in your relationship.

Together, begin to focus on your spiritual lives.

Maybe you can start attending church or a Bible study together.

Take time to pray and read the Bible together.

Talk about your faith with each other. These practices can draw you closer to each other.

“Many marriages would be better if the husband and the wife clearly understood that they are on the same side.”

Zig Ziglar

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