A Few Good Men…and Women

    Christ followers are called to share their story of who they were before accepting Jesus Christ as their Savior and how that decision brought a positive change to their lives. The truth is that humanity was born with a sin nature, that must be transformed through a relationship with Jesus Christ.

    There are many examples of men and women in the Bible who were transformed when they encountered Christ. For “if anyone is in Christ, [he/she] is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new” (2 Corinthians 5:17).

    Jesus used ordinary, flawed men and women to be His followers and leaders. And if we are truthful, we know that every day, in some way, we all sin and fall short of glorifying God through our words, thoughts, and actions. Each day, we need that same mercy, forgiveness, and direction that was extended to those early followers of Christ.

    We have read about the woman who was caught in adultery. She was about to be stoned when Jesus addressed the scribes, Pharisees, and the mob holding stones, “Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.” Convicted by His words, they dropped their stones and left. Then Jesus said, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?” She answered, “No one, Lord.” And Jesus responded, “Neither do I condemn you. Go. From now on, sin no more” (John 8:1-11). Her life was saved and forever changed, thereby, giving her a story of redemption to tell others.

    Luke 8:1–3 lists three examples of women, who after encountering Jesus, followed and served Him and provided for His needs from their resources:

    ·      Mary Magdalene was a woman whom Jesus cast out seven demons. From that day forward she served and supported Him (Luke 8:2). When all the disciples, except John, fled during Jesus’ trial and execution, Mary stayed to comfort Him.  She witnessed Jesus’ death and was the first to see the resurrected Christ (John 20:11-18).

    ·      Joanna’s life was changed when Jesus healed her. She then supported Him and the disciples in their travels.

    ·      Susanna was a women cured of evil spirits and diseases. She committed her life to Jesus and supported His ministry.

    Jesus recruited the apostles who were not men of exceptional education or any position of influence, except Luke, who was a doctor. In fact, the rulers and religious authorities regarded them to be uneducated and untrained (Acts 4:13). The disciples’ only special qualities were that of being faithful students and followers of Jesus Christ.

    ·      Matthew, who once was a hated, dishonest tax collector, and driven by greed, would follow Jesus and eventually preach and write Matthew, the first book of the New Testament.

    ·      Saul (Paul), a Pharisee and a Roman citizen, who had persecuted and killed followers of Jesus had an encounter with the risen Christ on the road to Damascus. He would begin to proclaim Jesus to be the long-awaited Messiah and the Son of God. Eventually, he would write 14 of the 27 books in the New Testament.

    ·      Luke would respond to Jesus’ call to follow Him and then author the books of Luke and Acts.

    Most stunning was the apostles’ lack of spiritual comprehension and ability to believe Jesus during their time of training because their thinking and behaviors were “carnal” (Romans 8:5-7). Jesus rebuked them for their lack of belief and hardness of heart (Mark 16:14).

    Jesus gave the disciples numerous opportunities to trust Him. Instead, they doubted Him at every turn. They feared they would drown in the raging storm, even though Jesus was in the boat with them. They told Jesus it was impossible to feed 5,000 people from five loaves and two fish. Then in a different region, they expressed unbelief when Jesus told them to feed 4,000, though they had previously witnessed Jesus miraculously feed 5,000 (Matthew 8:25-27; John 6:1-4).

    The disciples had witnessed the dead raised, blind eyes healed, people healed of various diseases, and freed from demons. Yet they still did not understand Jesus’ purpose nor comprehend who He was.

    Jesus told the disciples on many occasions that He would be killed and then rise again. When Jesus died, the disciples were troubled and confused, so, when Mary Magdalene told them she had seen the risen Christ, they told her that she had seen a ghost. Though they had lived, eaten, slept, prayed, and sat under Jesus’ teaching, they were unable to believe, because their carnal thinking had prevented a genuine change in their hearts.

    The disciples were in Jerusalem, gathered in a room, when the resurrected Christ stood before them. They were terrified and frightened and thought they had seen a spirit. And Jesus knowing their thoughts said, “Why are you troubled? And why do doubts arise in your hearts?” (Luke 24:36-43)

    Later, there would be a transformation of the disciples’ hearts and minds at Pentecost when they would be filled with the Holy Spirit. These few good men would go out in power and boldness with the anointing of the Holy Spirit to pray, bring healing, deliverance, and new life to those who would listen and receive the Good News.

    We all have a past but as Christ followers, we have been redeemed so that we can walk in His light. There are hurting people struggling to make sense of a world gone mad as it increasingly grows darker and more evil with each passing day. America is drowning in sin, debauchery, and unprecedented wickedness that can only be compared with the days of Noah.

    The good news is that God can use anyone who has a relationship with Jesus Christ to help Him accomplish His will on earth. He is not looking for highly qualified people. He is looking for obedient followers of Christ—those who will pray and step out of their comfort zone and do whatever God asks of them. Why? Because He has already qualified and prepared every believer to pray and to serve Him according to the gifts that He has placed within them.

    It took those early few good men and women, filled with the fire of the Holy Spirit, to carry the light of Christ to the world. Now God is calling, not just a few good men and women to share the Good News and pray for this nation, He is looking for an army of men, women, and even children to pray and share their story of faith and hope with the hurting and the lost. Are you ready to enlist?

    PRAYER: FATHER, help me as I join Your army of men, women, and children to pray and share Your truth and love with those who are confused and questioning the times in which we live. May I always be willing to share my story of faith and be that beacon of light that brings truth, hope, encouragement, and love to others. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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