A New Lump in Christ

Because of what the Lord has accomplished, we may “walk in newness of life” and “serve in newness of spirit.” When New Jerusalem “comes down out of heaven” all the old, fallen, corrupted aspects of our inward being and the outward environment will have been removed (Rev. 20). We will be fully in newness of life and spirit.

Today however, much of sin and death is still in us and around us. We need to exercise our spirit to open to the Lord and “purge out theNew Jerusalem old leaven that you may be a new lump, even as you are unleavened” (1 Cor. 5:7). Our position in Christ is “a new lump.” Yet we still need to exercise to purge out all the oldness.

First Corinthians 11:23-26 reviews what the Lord Jesus did in establishing His supper. To “purge out the old leaven” is one side of our responsibility. But this is only possible as we care for the positive side—to eat the Lord and drink the Spirit regularly, frequently that we may be in the reality of “the new covenant” established in His blood (11:25).

In verse 11:26 the words of the Lord are “as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you declare the Lord’s death until He comes.” Our spiritual eating and drinking renew us and point to the Lord’s return. His return will openly manifest His kingdom and take us onward to New Jerusalem in the new creation.

Posted by Don on May 6, 2024



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