A Religious Cheater-Tullian Tchividjian...again - Divorce Minister

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What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? Certainly not! How shall we who died to sin live any longer in it?

-Romans 6:1-2, NKJV

Tullian Tchividjian, Reverend Billy Graham’s disgraced grandson, is back in the news. More details are coming out about his infidelity. See story here and here.

Some of those details include Tullian Tchividjian attempting to reconcile with his (now) ex-wife, Kim, only to return to the bed of his (then) mistress, Stacie, who he married shortly after the divorce became final (See The Christian Post article citing those details here).

At this point, I have to say, any pastor, Christian ministry, or Christian publishing house giving Tullian a platform to “preach” is a pastor, ministry, or publishing house not acting in god-honoring way. This is disqualifying behavior in Christian leadership (see I Timothy 3:2, 7).

Certainly, anyone giving him a “Christian” platform is not taking adultery seriously.

I truly hope he is not given more of platform with such serious sin left unaddressed. If he is, then that is just another indication that celebrity status is more important than godliness in the evangelical world.

Such are the sort of stories that make evangelicals look like bunch of hypocrites.

Tullian understands himself to be a Christian. But he does not seem to get how his actions–e.g. practiced life of lies and marrying of his affair partner–ought to give him pause in calling himself such.

God’s offer of grace, mercy, and forgiveness are all wonderful. I am grateful for all three personally. However, these offers are useless to the person who refuses to repent and seek God’s mercy.

Let’s be crystal clear here:

Marrying one’s affair partner is not repentance.

It’s the opposite.

It is a continuation in sin and an emphatic rejection of the way of righteous. The adulterer is doubling down as opposed to forsaking the sin (see Mark 10:11-12). God’s word is clear that such individuals know Him not (see I John 3:6 and Hebrews 10:26-27).

All that said, I do still truly hope Tullian Tchividjian finds repentance and healing. But he has no business being elevated in the Christian community “preaching” or speaking on (cheap) grace while these serious sin matters are left unaddressed. 

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