Apologetics study for students defending their faith

You know, teens ask some of the hardest questions when it comes to the Christian faith. For example, the teens I work with deal with some difficult life issues and they have serious doubts about God. They are bombarded by social media, peer pressure, and their own thoughts. So, an apologetics study for students that meets them where they’re at is essential. For the students at the small Christian alternative high school where I teach and offer health coaching, Master Books’ Apologetics in Action was a great fit.

apologetics study for students from Master Books

After homeschooling for 22 years, I’m familiar with many homeschooling styles and curricula. Some of them work well for small Christian schools, too. Because of my background, sometimes people ask me for my advice on what to use with teens. If you’ve read my post about homeschooling high school chemistry or homeschooling science with interactive labs, then you know that I favor highly relevant material that engages and challenges teens. I really hate Bible studies in which the answers are obvious. It reminds me of Sunday School classes when all the little kids answer every question with “Jesus!” No thank you. (See my posts about sharing your testimony and Bible memory for my thoughts on teaching small children about Jesus.)

So, an apologetics study for students that passes muster with me needs to do two things. First, it needs to challenge their thinking and second, be very relevant to their personal experiences. Master Books’ Apologetics in Action does both. After all, I want students to be able to defend their own faith if they are already Christians. And, if they are not yet Christians, have a thorough understanding of why the Bible is true.

apologetics study for students photo of the books in the study

My favorite things about the Master Books apologetics for students curriculum

Answers questions that teens (and adults) ask about Christianity and the Bible

Many people, even people attending (or teaching in) Christian colleges and high schools, doubt whether the Bible is true. Even at church, I have heard teens raised in Christian homes say things like, “Well, I don’t know if everything in the Bible really happened. I don’t know if I believe all of it. I think some of it is just stories. After all, it’s a book written by a bunch of different men.” Well, this Apologetics in Action program from Master Books includes books that answer those doubts. Here’s just a sampling of some common questions answered in these books:

  • Is Genesis just a book created from a bunch of ancient myths?
  • What about the factual claims in the Da Vinci Code?
  • What about radiocarbon dating of rocks?
  • Did Atlantis exist?
  • Did the 10 plagues of Egypt actually happen?

And, students don’t just read the books. They read and then apply. The included teacher’s guide has essay questions that challenge teens to answer their critics as well as wrestle with their own thoughts. And, speaking of the teacher’s guide, it requires no prep. Just open and go.

Sparks important conversations about faith

While I love how easy and relevant the Apologetics in Action curriculum is to use, there is something even more priceless that happens.

I have seen that when students immerse themselves in these books, they read their Bibles more and with greater understanding and confidence. As they read their Bibles more, we have more interesting conversations and I get to see their eyes light up. They get excited about the Christian faith! We have had hours long conversations about what they’ve seen in the media or heard from their friends and how apologetics for students has helped them. We are still working through some of the books, but Apologetics in Action has helped my students grow in their faith. And for those who are still seekers, it has helped them learn more about why the Bible is reliable and true. It is not a book of stories made up by men. It is the living Word of God.

Grab your Apologetics in Action curriculum to help your students grow in their faith and defend it!

About Julie Polanco

Julie Brow-Polanco, MH, FMCHC, MSHHP is dedicated to helping teens (and moms) enjoy a vibrant, energetic life through a whole self approach to mental/emotional and physical health. Julie also draws on her education in herbalism and aromatherapy to offer a truly natural approach. She not only follows a natural approach to health, but as a 22-year veteran homeschooling mom of four, she applies the principles of “natural” to motivating and teaching kids, too. She currently coaches and teaches high school students at a small alternative high school in the Chicago area and also accepts private clients.
When she isn’t doing all that stuff, you might find her skimming her hand over the surface of Lake Michigan as she floats in her kayak, singing at the top of her lungs. Or, writing fantasy novels while sipping Earl Grey tea.

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