The Beat Way to Restore Art—and Your Life
My wife said I could have another beagle if it didn’t shed. So, I made one. Woody stands guard on our back porch where I often read. I noticed a few weeks ago that, after two years in the sun…
My wife said I could have another beagle if it didn’t shed. So, I made one. Woody stands guard on our back porch where I often read. I noticed a few weeks ago that, after two years in the sun…
“The world is a collection of masterpieces, waiting to be assembled.” That’s how Justin Bateman describes what he does. Most of us pay little attention to rocks and pebbles, but not Justin. Those w…
Studies show that creating stuff and interacting with the arts helps us heal, grow, and flourish. This post encourages you to move past hang-ups and make art.
Spread the beauty of faith through Christian canvas wall art prints. Gift meaningful reminders of hope and inspiration to loved ones.
One of the best businesses to start as a teenager is upcycled crafts and this book shows you how to do it from start to finish!
There are two types of artists: Those who paint and hope someone buys it. Those who are asked to paint. When I paint, it’s for myself. I seriously doubt anyone would pay for my work … even at…
By Elizabeth Prata EPrata photo I saw on Twitter a while ago the question posed: “Why don’t we make things like this any more?” The tweet author presented photos of ornate and bea…
[NOTE: This blog post is a refresh, and was originally posted in 2013. Hope you enjoy it.] Artmaking is a paradoxical activity. It is often a highly intimate expression of the artist. Our art is …
"The Adventures of Ben Born Again & YellowDog" is a cartoon based off Pastor Greg Laurie’s “Living Water” comic strip. Watch the trailer now!
By Elizabeth Prata Because the times are so hard and the world is so dark, I’ve been posting some short essays on worship. Just worship. It’s a way to remind me, and anyone, that “…
For many years, Artists of Faith have gathered in the northern California area to be inspired, encouraged, equipped, and engaged in community. In fact, we’ve had eleven Intersections Conferen…
As I’ve gotten older, I’ve found that two profound questions have guided the trajectory of my life. The first is: Who does God want me to be five or ten years from now? And that leads t…
In this blog and in other venues, we’ve often discussed the importance of and the theological underpinnings behind the creative process. We are creative beings, crafted in Imago Dei, and crea…