Are you a Blessing?

(Big Lessons from a Little Maid–2 Kings 5)
This little girl was a BIG blessing to Naaman and his family! She had enough problems of her own, yet her eyes were open to other people's problems and needs. She wasn't self-focused. And because she wasn't self-focused, she was able to be a blessing to those around her.
This week I had my Mum and two sisters come and stay for 2 days. The whole time they were here, they were looking for what they could do to help me. I went into my girls' room in the morning and the beds were made. The dishes were washed and dried and so on. But what really amazed me was the amount my Mum could do with a shoulder that she can hardly use! She can't lift much with her right arm at the moment, so I expected her to not be able to help with anything. Yet, she washed dishes, cleared the table, folded washing, hung washing on the clotheshorse etc. I was scared she would hurt her shoulder more!
She did what she could with what she had and she was a big blessing.
What about you? Are you a blessing to those around you? If you live at home, do you look for what you can do to help your family? Or do you try to get out of work? Are you a willing helper? There is always something you can do to be a blessing to someone. Even if you aren't able to do much, God can use what you can do. And if you can't do anything, you can always pray.
If you are the like the little maid and have a heart that wants to help others, you will be a big blessing to everyone you meet!

  Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. Philippians 2:4

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