Are You a People Pleaser?

    There are many Christians out there, that are afraid of what people think about them and try to please others so much, but but they feel that they will NEVER be good enough and that will NOT allow you to grow and mature as the man or woman of God, God wants you to become WORTHY and you should care MORE about what God thinks, than what man thinks of you. The bible says in 2 Timothy 1:7- For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power. love and of a sound mind.

    We CAN’T be afraid to say “No” to someone if we do NOT agree with what they want you to do or say. We need to put what God says FIRST before man. Usually this comes from your parents telling you that you NEED to be the BEST in all that you do and you have tried to live up to they want to become but it’s hindering your walk with God, when you can’t feel free to do what you want and not what others want you to do. Its comes from a spirit of PERFECTIONISM and ONLY God is perfect and you will NEVER achieve that, until you go to heaven, so you should NOT CARE what others think about you, and then you will be set free from those strongholds in your mind. Start thinking of putting yourself first as well because if you continue to say “Yes” all the time, you will BURN yourself out and you will be NO GOOD to anyone, when you need to minister to others.

    Some pastors are like this, they care so MUCH about what people think that they will COMPROMISE the Gospel and their teachings are “watered down” and they “tickle the ears” because if they truly preach on hell and holiness and DON'T hold the people accountable for their sins, they won’t stay at the church and it will push people away, and then they will lose money and numbers. So, command those spirits of perfectionism and fear to LEAVE you in Jesus Name and ask God to FILL you with STRENGTH AND POWER to say “No” when you need to and ask Jesus, to give you peace in your spirit and repeat 2 Timothy 1:7 and memorize it, and speak it out, when satan tries to bring back the fear and that you DON’T need to struggle!

    The ONLY thing that is IMPORTANT and that matters, is that you are PLEASING God, Thessalonians 2:4, be Blessed and Shalom


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