Are you reaching for forbidden fruit of preaching in the pulpit?

By Elizabeth Prata

“Women are excluded from certain ministries”

“Our freedom to serve is restricted”

“We’re not equal, it’s not fair”

“Men are oppressing us with an overreach in their interpretation of a few verses”

These are statements I read and hear feminist women say when confronted with verses that affirm God’s plan for men to lead the church. These are not infrequent comments nor are they limited to a small group. The push to get women into the pulpit has heated up and is a massive groundswell.

But, do you notice some things about those statements?

1. They are similar to the conversation in the Garden when the serpent awoke the woman’s desire for more than what had been given, and for what she couldn’t have. Rather than focusing on all the bounty around her freely given and available without cost to her, the woman instead became desirous of the one thing she may not eat. Suddenly she thought that God was holding out on her and that He was not a Good and Perfect God. This is deadly thinking. It’s terrible sin, too.

It’s a similar vein with the usurping women who want the pulpit. The Lord gave women so many opportunities for ministry in order to glorify His name. Childbearing &childrearing is one- we have an opportunity to shape the minds and hearts of the gracious gift of children for His name. We can teach, perform administrative tasks, host, do mercy ministry, so many ways to work for Jesus. Yet, rejecting those, the usurpers want what is forbidden.

2. Gratitude. We have a God who includes sinful humans to share His name, to minister to Him, to come to his throne freely, to glorify Him with our work on earth, to be co-heirs! What a God! We should be grateful He wants us to do ANYTHING for Him, that He justifies us, sanctifies us, adopts us, is in union with us, rewards us, gives us His word, gives us His Spirit, gives us understanding of His word, and gives us LIFE. Being discontent and grasping for the one thing that He put out of reach is demonic in the extreme. It’s the Garden all over again. It is a desire worthy of spiritual death and banishment from His paradise.

God assigned men to lead Has church. He is allowed to do that, He’s GOD! If that is His design, so be it. We content ourselves with every bit of what He HAS given us to do, and we look forward with joy at the future with Him. If women complain, want more, strive for that forbidden fruit, they are being Eve influenced by satan. It is as simple as that.

If you are a woman who wants roles not assigned to you (preaching in church, teaching men) you should ask yourself why. Look at God as revealed in the Bible; holy, just, perfect. Look at yourself; sinner, polluted, depraved- and think why you are not content with what the Lord has given you. He has given us so much. Was God pleased to crush His Son on our behalf just so we could complain that we can’t stand in front of the church and preach? Did Jesus die a horrible death just so we can say what He has given us to do isn’t enough, we want more? Check yourself, woman.

Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall. (Proverbs 16:18 KJV)


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