Are You Ready To Marry Jesus? - Raising Zion

Jesus is Coming!!

“….for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready” (Revelation 19:7)

He that shall come, will come and not tarry (Hebrews 10:37) Jesus, our Faithful High Priest and The Lamb of God, is waiting patiently for His bride to get herself ready. This marriage isn’t like any other marriage we’ve been seeing around us. Nor can it be explained in mere words. What a glorious day that would be when we are finally ready to fly away and to meet our Jesus!!

Dear brother/sister, don’t you want to be His Bride? Are you getting yourself ready to be the Bride of Christ?

All across the globe,when a marriage is on the cards, we know the amount of preparations done to ensure the marriage takes place perfectly. If so much of effort goes into the planning of an earthly marriage, imagine the depth of this heavenly marriage that is going to take place!!

Who is eligible be His bride?

Leviticus 21:13,14 states the laws for a High Priest, concerning whom he should marry.

And he shall take a wife in her virginity.

A widow, or a divorced woman, or profane, or an harlot, these shall he not take: but he shall take a virgin of his own people to wife. ‭‭

Here, the names of 4 kinds of women are mentioned. Let’s take each of them individually and know who they refer to spiritually.

1. A Widow – A widow is a lady who has lost her husband. She is not under the bond of marriage anymore. She is free to live her own life. But a married woman is someone who is under the law/authority/bond of marriage as long as her husband is alive (1 Corinthians 7:39) Our Maker, that is, Jesus, is our husband. (Isaiah 54:5)

Widow spiritually refers to people who are not subject to the law or guidance. They want to do self-will. Such people can’t become the Bride of Christ. Therefore, we must be people who are walking in accordance to the laws given to us and being under the guidance of Christ in our lives.

2. A Divorced Woman – A woman who has left her husband. Spiritually, these are people who have backslided after having received the truth. In John 6:60, we read about two groups of people – one, who left Jesus because of His teachings, which were hard for them and the other who continued to be with Jesus. Those who leave the Truth(Jesus) and the gospel can’t become His bride.

In Mathew 19:8,9 we find Jesus explaining about ‘Divorce’. First of all in a Christian marriage, there is no divorce. Secondly, someone who marries a divorced woman is an adulterer. In the light of God’s Word, those who have left Jesus(our husband) and got themselves married to the world are adulterers – James 4:4.

3. Profane – This is someone who disrespects or scorns marriage itself. Someone who treats the very foundation of marriage with contempt. Who are they spiritually? Spiritually, these are people who don’t abide in the truth and live a mixed life.

For example, the Samaritan woman in John 4:18,19, lived a mixed life. She had already lived with 5 husbands. The sixth husband wasn’t hers too. Jesus changed her life. ‘Husbands’ spiritually refers to every nature of sin that rules over us mentioned in Colossians 3:5-9. Therefore, St. Paul explains to us how we ought to live our life – 2 Corinthians 10:3-5. We need to cast down every imagination that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.

4. An Harlot – A prostitute/promiscuous woman. An harlot spiritually refers to those who knowingly continue to live in the pleasures of sin – 1 Timothy 5:6. Sin operates in their lives and rules over them and therefore there is no spiritual growth. They are not ashamed to commit abomination against God. They lack repentance and putting away of the ways of sin from them. Proverbs chapter 7 gives a detailed picture of how an harlot seduces a person.

In Jeremiah 14:3-6 we read about the state of the Israelites. The prophet prophesies over their empty and deplorable condition. They are like this because they loved to wander and did not refrain their feet from going against the Lord.

Thus, a High Priest should only take a virgin of his own people to wife. A virgin is a woman who has preserved herself in purity before she has been committed to a man in marriage. Spiritually, being a Chaste Virgin means those who have kept themselves in holiness and purity in their spirit, soul and body. In Genesis 24:16, it is written about Rebekah, that she was a virgin and no man had known her. In the New Testament, she’s the example of a chaste virgin who is fit to be the Bride of Christ.

Beloved child of God, the Lord desires us to be a chaste virgin who is blameless without blemish and without spot – Ephesians 5:27. This is the standard that our Groom, our Jesus has kept for us. He wants us to be unspotted from the spots of this world. By obeying His Word and putting it into action in our daily lives we can begin to live a clean life.

Do you think we would be able to preserve ourselves in such a state by our own strength? No, we definitely need Him to help us be found in the standard of purity and holiness He desires in our life. This might seem very hard to be accomplished, but if you surrender yourself to Jesus, the good work that He has begun in your life, He will finish it on the day of His coming.

May the Lord help us!

Be blessed!

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