Your spiritual adversary has been causing sensory overload. Aiming to short circuit your soul and spirit, the enemy has tried to overwhelm your senses with negative input in hopes of shutting down your ability to perceive My presence. He knows what’s coming and is desperate to stop it.

I am about to come closer than ever before. I’m about to awaken love. The love for My Bride is such that I must touch her and let her know I am here. My passion has been aroused. So many are discouraged and worn down through the warfare. My Bride must know how much I love her. Not for her works or acts of service. I love My Bride because of her heart and steadfast devotion to Me.

My love compels Me to draw nearer. The enemy has known this and has sought to defile love. He has sought to contaminate holy affection. The physical abuses suffered by many in My Body have been perpetuated by this scheme of the enemy to harden hearts and destroy the capacity for love. I long to heal these hearts and restore the purity of My love and affection.

I am coming closer to touch you and let you know I am real. Some are already feeling My presence in greater measure and this will increase. Tangible manifestations of My presence will dispel your doubts and My love will be felt as you step away from the overload and let Me in. Clear out the clutter in your minds and let Me move in and overshadow your spirit, soul, mind, and body so that you can be whole.

Though the enemy tries, he will not succeed in shutting you down. You were made to receive the full extent of My love. It is My unwavering passion for You that will override the disappointments of the past and awaken your senses to that which is pure love. Set your heart, for a divine romance is about to commence.

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