Becoming a Masterpiece in the Master’s Hands

“The world is a collection of masterpieces, waiting to be assembled.”

That’s how Justin Bateman describes what he does. Most of us pay little attention to rocks and pebbles, but not Justin. Those who typically handle rocks are geologists, surveyors, and construction crews, but Justin is an artist.

No painting. No chiseling. No carving. With nothing more than careful selection and placement of rocks and pebbles, this British artist creates incredible works of art.

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What I love about his work is that he doesn’t manipulate or change the rocks by painting or cutting. He uses the natural stones just as they are and carefully arranges them. The rocks we would ignore and the pebbles we would find irritating in our shoes become something altogether different in his hands.

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What a beautiful picture of Christ’s church. Individually, we are often overlooked, but when we come together, we present a full picture of Christ. But it’s not just that we come together. The beauty comes in that each of us is unique and each of us has something different to bring to Christ’s body and His service. And when we let Him place us where we can best serve, it’s a beautiful thing.

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“But as it is, God has arranged each one of the parts in the body just as he wanted” (1 Cor. 12:18).

Justin admits that he often carries some rocks with him, but he focuses on the rocks that are right where he is working.

“This means stone selection is vital, but it is a very mindful activity, connecting with the local environment. I also consider the surface of the pebbles, things as subtle as texture can determine masculine and feminine characteristics.” [Source]

The beauty of his art is not something he imported from elsewhere, but he took into account what was right in front of him. As a follower of Christ, you are beautiful right where you are. You add to the wonder and beauty of your local church. When you place yourself in God’s hands, He uses your personality, interests, and the spiritual gifts He has given you to add to the beauty of His work right in your own community and church.

Trust Christ with your life. Trust Him with your church. Trust Him to make something beautiful out of your “ordinariness”—because there is nothing ordinary about a Christ follower in the hands of Jesus.

“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago” (Eph. 2:10 NLT).

Read about Justin Bateman’s work at “Pebble Picassos”: Artist Creates Intricate, Ephemeral Portraits With Stones – Nice News.

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