Bible in 365 Days – Day 2

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Focus Chapters:

  • Genesis 4-5
  • I Chronicles 1:1-4
  • Genesis 6

Standout Verse(s):

Genesis 4:3-4 NLT


When it was time for the harvest, Cain presented some of his crops as a gift to the Lord . Abel also brought a gift—the best portions of the firstborn lambs from his flock.

Genesis 4:5-‬7 NLT


The Lord accepted Abel and his gift, but he did not accept Cain and his gift. This made Cain very angry, and he looked dejected. “Why are you so angry?” the Lord asked Cain. “Why do you look so dejected? You will be accepted if you do what is right. But if you refuse to do what is right, then watch out! Sin is crouching at the door, eager to control you. But you must subdue it and be its master.”

Observation (s):

  1. There is a major difference between offering God “some portions of your crop” and offering God “the best portions of your first fruits”. Abel brought the best of his first fruits (what he gained first from his flock) while Cain brought some of his crops.

    When it was time for the harvest, Cain presented some of his crops as a gift to the Lord . Abel also brought a gift—the best portions of the firstborn lambs from his flock.

  2. Both Cain and Abel seemed to know what God expected of them as gifts. Only one followed the expectations and gained acceptance. The other disobeyed and then became angry when his gift was rejected.

    The Lord accepted Abel and his gift, but he did not accept Cain and his gift. This made Cain very angry, and he looked dejected. “Why are you so angry?” the Lord asked Cain. “Why do you look so dejected? You will be accepted if you do what is right.

  3. God’s warning is fundamental – sin is enticed when we do wrong, however we are called to resist and reign over it. Sin is given human-like characteristics.

    But if you refuse to do what is right, then watch out! Sin is crouching at the door, eager to control you. But you must subdue it and be its master.”


God tends to be very explicit about His expectations and what is right. It is my duty to:

  1. Ensure God’s expectations are met
  2. Gain God’s acceptance by doing what’s right.

When I succeed at these objectives, sin is subdued. On the other hand, my failure to follow the right path makes me an easy prey for sin that waits eagerly for the opportunity to control me.


Bible Godly Lessons Bible Challenge doing right God's acceptance

DiscoveringByDesign View All →

I am a dynamic young lady who loves the Lord and seek to have a joy that no one can take away. My all-time favourite thing to do is gaining discoveries by design from My Father during our time each day. Reading, learning and trying new things falls behind in a close second place. My dream is to use my God-given talents to positively impact as many people as possible. As a proud Wolmerian, with a zest for life, I adhere to the “Age Quod Agis” motto in that whatsoever I do, I always do it to the best of my ability.

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