Bible study on divine protection and safety

Bible study on divine protection and safety

Posted on December 18, 2008 Updated on December 18, 2008

Memorise: “And I will add unto thy days fifteen years; and I will deliver thee and this city out of the hand of the king of Assyria; and I will defend this city for mine own sake, and for my servant. David’s sake” (2 Kings 20:6)

Read: 2 Kings 20:5-6 

Pastor E. Adeboye

God wants you under divine cover. Nobody decides who will be his or her parents before coming into this world. That is the exclusive prerogative of God.

In other matters, God can prevent you from being located in the wrong place. I was born an African. Through a problem I encountered, I developed a sincere hunger for God. First I went to the CAC but the Lord told me that that was not where He was taking me.

He kept pushing me until I got to the Redeemed Christian Church of God. My first day in this church, I knew this was where God wanted me to be. But when persecution came afterwards, I thought of leaving.

The Lord taught me a tough lesson. I almost lost my first born. When I finally agreed to stay, the boy became well. The Lord told me the day I leave the RCCG, I will lose my first born. The Lord will lead you by His Spirit to where He wants you to be.

“And I will add unto thy days fifteen years; and I will deliver thee and this city out of the hand of the king of Assyria; and I will defend this city for mine own sake, and for my servant David’s sake” (2 Kings 20:6).

God was going to defend Judah for the sake of David. David was a cover not just over a few people, but over a city. A cover is some kind of umbrella. When the rain is falling and you come under an umbrella, it prevents you from getting wet. The degree of coverage however is dependent on the strength, size and texture of your umbrella.

There are some umbrellas that cannot withstand the wind. Some umbrellas have holes and therefore cannot provide adequate protection for those under them. Some umbrellas are too small to do anyone good. If your spiritual cover is living in secret sins, that cover is perforated. If your spiritual head has backslidden, those under him will be totally exposed. Some believers are attending churches with no covering.

This accounts for the barrage of evil befalling members, which could have been prevented if their umbrella was intact. As a pastor, what kind of cover are you providing for God’s flock? If you are indulging in sin, you are compromising the well being of your flock.

Repent today. If you will not live righteously because you choose to, then do it for the sake of the flock. You could walk so close to God that hundreds or thousands of years after your departure, you would remain a cover over your descendants like David.

Parents, what kind of cover are you providing for your children? Sin destroys spiritual covers.

Fornication is a leading cover perforator. If there are uncontrollable negative events in your family or church, it is possible your roof is leaking.

This entry was posted in Christianity and tagged babalobi, Bible study, pastor adeboye's sermons, RCCG, Religion, Save the World.

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