Bringing Truth to the Definition of a Woman by Cathe Laurie

As we close out Women’s History Month, we are faced with a profound question: How do we celebrate women in a society where the very essence of womanhood is often contested, blurred, and redefined?

I have four beautiful granddaughters who are just entering the world during a time when the very definition of what it is to be a woman is up for debate, and to say I am concerned is an understatement. From the time I was growing up in the 1960s and ‘70s through my 40 years in ministry, I have witnessed that the further women stray from God’s guidelines of womanhood, the more dissatisfied and unhappy they become.

But there is hope stirring, a renewed desire and interest in celebrating the joys of being a godly woman, whether at home, at work, or anywhere in between.

So, how do we celebrate women in a month dedicated to their history and achievements within the framework of a Biblical worldview? In seeking answers and direction, I turn to the timeless wisdom found in the Word of God and some key principles found there.

Recognize the Inherent Dignity of Women

In Genesis 1:27, we read, “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them” (ESV).

Both men and women bear the image of God and possess inherent dignity and worth. These two people together represent the image of God—neither one was adequate alone to bear the divine image.

Regardless of societal roles or cultural expectations, every woman is precious in the eyes of her Creator! Therefore, our celebration of women begins with a deep respect for their God-given dignity and an understanding of how the Creator originally made them.

Honor Women’s Contributions

Throughout history, women have made significant contributions to society, often in the face of adversity and discrimination.

The midwives in Egypt defied Pharoah to save the innocent Hebrew babies. Deborah served as a prophetess and judge in the Old Testament. Esther courageously saved her people in the face of death. Mary Magdalene battled demons and was among the first witnesses of Christ’s resurrection. Mary, our Lord’s mother, faced judgment and grief as she bore and raised Jesus and then watched Him die on the cross.

In modern times, I think of women like Monica, Mother of St. Augustine, Katy Luther, Amy Carmichael, Elizabeth Elliot, Ruth Graham, and Kay Smith (just to name a few) who have led people into the hope and truth of God’s Word.

The Bible and history are replete with examples of women who played pivotal roles in God’s redemptive plan. Their stories inspire us to recognize and honor the diverse talents, abilities, and achievements of women in every sphere of life. And they remind us that even when circumstances are outside of our control, God has a special plan and purpose for us.

Nurture and Empower Women

Proverbs 31:25 describes the attributes of a virtuous woman: “Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come” (ESV).

As women, we are designed with resilience, resourcefulness, and inner strength!

As we celebrate Women’s History Month, let us create environments where women are nurtured, empowered, and equipped to fulfill their God-given potential. It starts at home, as we raise our daughters, and extends into mentorship programs, women’s Bible study small groups, educational initiatives, and leadership development opportunities. Let us invest in the growth and flourishing of women around us.

Pursue God’s Design for Womanhood

Ultimately, our understanding of womanhood must be grounded in God’s Word. In Proverbs 31:30, we read, “Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing,
But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised” (NKJV).

True beauty and significance are found not in external appearances or societal accolades but in a deep reverence for God and a life lived in obedience to His will.

It is easy to think that our value decreases as our wrinkles increase, but the Bible tells us that gray hair is a crown and wisdom should be valued above all. As we celebrate Women’s History Month, let us strive to embody the virtues of wisdom, strength, and godliness that characterize the women of faith through Scripture.

The world may try to redefine what a woman is, but we can truly honor and celebrate the ladies in our lives during Women’s History Month by bringing back the truth of who God made us to be. May our celebrations reflect God’s love, grace, and esteem for every woman created in His image.

Learn more about Cathe Laurie

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Originally published on The Washington Times


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