Christian sermon on how to overcome difficulties and problems

Christian sermon on how to overcome difficulties and problems

Posted on July 27, 2009 Updated on July 27, 2009


Bukola Akinwande


Uche’ was about to finish her one compulsory programme at the Nigeria Law school. Although, she was happy that the programme was about to end, she had a major problem.

Her parents could not afford her wig and gown which was necessary for her “Call to Bar”. She wondered why this should happen to her. All the same, her prayed to God and reminded him of his promises.

The good Lord who is gracious in mercy heard her cry and her father’s friend who went abroad at that point in time bought the wig and gown for her without collecting a kobo. Apart from the fact that the man did not collect money, the quality was superior. That was a miracle.

As believer we often ask God: why me? Why should I be the one to go through this situation? For God’s sake, can’t it be another person? Well, it has to be you because His word…. “ascribe greatness unto our God. He is the rock, his work is perfect: for all His ways are judgment: a God truth and without iniquity, just and right is He.

 Deut 32:3-4. when Nelson Mandela was in prison for 25 years, I guess he must have asked why his people’s lot was the way it was. Why should Africans experience apartheid? But when he came out of prison, he became the president of south of Africa and now that he is no more the president, he is still held in high esteem anywhere he went and most countries now associate with South Africa.

He went through all those years of solitary confinement with pain but when he was released, he became a renowned personality.

God is perfect in all His ways and he does His thing according to His plan and purpose. When you begin to ask God, why me? You are in order words telling God, He is not perfect”. And am sure God does not like that.

When the children of Israel passed through the wilderness for forty years, some of them did not understand why they had to go through the wilderness and they murmured to Moses and God some of them never go to the Promised Land because of their murmurings they just did not know the mind of God.

This entry was posted in Christianity and tagged Christianity, church, God, Jesus, Religion, Trust, Wilderness.

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