Christmas: Having a Heart that Honors God - Jeanne Takenaka

    By Jeanne Takenaka

    Have you ever considered how Mary had a heart that honors God? 

    Merry Christmas week, my friends. 

    This week’s blog post will be brief. I know, for those even posting blogs this week, we all have things we are preparing to celebrate Jesus’ birth. 

    A short devotion: 

    I love this verse. Mary accepted God’s plan for her in faith, not questioning. She humbled herself calling herself the maidservant of the Lord. This young woman saw herself as a servant to her heavenly Father. She chose to yield her plans to His. She had plans to marry a good man in her small town. Maybe have children someday. And live a quiet life as a wife and a mom, devoted to God.

    Image of nativity Mary adoring her Son; she had a heart that honors God
    Christmas: Having a Heart that Honors God 5

    But God . . . 

    God saw beyond Mary’s expectations and straight to her heart. He knew her heart was devoted to Him and that she was the perfect woman to bear His Son . . . chosen before she ever drew a breath of earthly air. His plans for her were much bigger than her own.

    Having a Heart that Honors God—God saw beyond Mary's expectations and straight to her heart #Christmas #nativity #humility Click To Tweet

    When Mary heard the angel’s words: 

    “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you; therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God (Luke 1:35).”

    Mary probably grasped some of the heartaches that would come with her yes. Rejection by her town. A tarnished reputation. Names muttered behind her back. But she still accepted God’s plan for her. Mary’s heart was humble before her Father. She possessed a heart that honors God, and He honored her obedience. 

    Image of lit trees in a dark night
    Christmas: Having a Heart that Honors God 6

    As we near Christmas Day, let’s seek to have humble hearts before Jesus, hearts that honor God. May we each see God’s fingerprints in our days and choose to trust Him, no matter what He allows into our lives.


    Tell His Story will take a blogging break until January 4th, 2022 (I can’t believe I even wrote that!!). Lisa Jordan will host on January 4th, and I will be back here on January 11th. After that, we will return to our normal schedule. 

    Have a beautiful, special Christmas, everyone. Please, PLEASE know what a gift you are to me! 

    See you next year!

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