Christmas Scriptures #2: Micah’s prophecy

By Elizabeth Prata

Christmas is such a special time of year, I thought I’d do a short series focusing on just the scriptures related to the holiday, so we may ponder, rejoice, and think about all that it means that God Himself incarnated in order to save us from our sins.

Today let’s look at Micah’s prophecy.

THE RULER WILL COME FROM BETHLEHEM, Micah 5:1-5, Legacy Standard Bible

“Now muster yourselves in troops, daughter of troops;
They have laid siege against us;
With a rod they will strike the judge of Israel on the cheek.

2 But as for you, Bethlehem Ephrathah,
Too little to be among the clans of Judah,
From you One will go forth for Me to be ruler in Israel.
His goings forth are from everlasting,
From the ancient days.”

3 Therefore He will give them up until the time
When she who is in childbirth has borne a child.
Then the remainder of His brothers
Will return to the sons of Israel.

4 And He will stand and shepherd His flock
In the strength of Yahweh,
In the majesty of the name of Yahweh His God.
And they will remain
Because at that time He will be great
To the ends of the earth.

5 And this One will be peace.

Barnes Notes says of the phrase in verse 4, “He will stand”:

Barnes’ Notes on the Bible
And He shall stand – The prophet continues to speak of personal acts of this Ruler who was to be born. He was not to pass away, not to rule only by others, but by Himself. To stand is the attitude of a servant, as Jesus, although God and Lord of all, said of Himself, “He shall come forth and serve them” Luke 12:37; “The Son of Man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister” Matthew 20:28. “He shall stand” as a Shepherd Isaiah 61:5, to watch, feed, guard them, day and night; “He shall stand,” as Stephen saw Christ “standing on the Right Hand of God” Acts 7:55, “to succor all those who suffer for Him.” : “For to sit belongs to one judging; to stand, to one fighting or helping.” “He shall stand,” as abiding, not to pass from them, as Himself saith, “Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world” Matthew 28:20 : and He shall feed His flock by His Spirit, His Word, His Wisdom and doctrine, His example and life; yea, by His own Body and Blood John 6. They whom He feedeth “lack nothing” Psalm 23:1.

Bethlehem means “House of Bread”. Isn’t that interesting that Jesus who is Bread of Life, comes from the House of Bread. God does not overlook a single jot or tittle. His prophecies are precise!

“He will be great…to the ends of the earth”. What a day that will be when no one rejects Jesus! No more will people raise their fist against Him, no more will they harden their hearts in opposition, nevermore will they be stiff-necked and hateful toward the One True Savior.

He is strong. He is majestic. He IS Peace.


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